What are the costs for bed linen for allergy sufferers? | Pillows for allergy sufferers

What are the costs for bed linen for allergy sufferers?

If a house dust mite allergy is diagnosed, the costs are largely covered by health insurance. However, there are also differences here, which is why it is best to inquire directly with the relevant health insurance company. When buying bed linen, it is not worth choosing the cheapest bed linen for quality reasons.

It is best to get advice. In recent years, many health insurance companies have reduced costs, but bed linen for allergy sufferers has become cheaper. Here it is worthwhile to pay attention to whether the bed linen has been tested for freedom from harmful substances.

Do you have a cold in the morning, watery eyes and swollen nose? Sometimes the cause is right under your nose or in your bed. The special covers for the bed linen are also available from your doctor on prescription. In this case, the costs for bed linen for allergy sufferers are largely covered by health insurance companies. Without a prescription, however, the health insurance companies do not pay for the bed linen.How much of the costs are covered varies from cash register to cash register.

How do I get rid of dust mites in the pillow?

First of all it is important to use the right material for the cushion. Furthermore, the covers must be washed and changed regularly. Furthermore, the bed linen should be shaken out daily.

But no matter how many hygienic measures you take to remove the mites, you will never get rid of them completely. In addition, mites quickly get back into the apartment through dirt, clothes, etc. However, if you pay attention to some things, the mites can be kept in check.

Since mites prefer a humid and warm environment, it is important to keep the bedroom dry and cool. The room temperature should preferably be below 20 degrees. Regular airing helps against the humidity in the bedroom.

It is also recommended not to have a bed base because of better ventilation of the mattress. Wearing a pyjama suit catches night sweat. In addition, pyjamas retain skin scales, which are the main food source for mites.

Furthermore, there should be no dust traps in the bedroom and only indoor plants suitable for allergy sufferers should be used. Another possibility are mite-killing agents. However, their actual benefit is questionable. They kill the house dust mites, but the excrement remains nevertheless in the bedlinen, so that these must be washed.