What helps with itching in the vagina? | Itching in the vagina

What helps with itching in the vagina?

Vaginal itching can occur in the context of various diseases and is then experienced as very unpleasant by most people affected. However, one should definitely refrain from treating the itching with home remedies. Unfortunately, these cannot relieve the itching.

In addition, the sensitive vaginal milieu can be damaged. Cortisone ointments should also not be used. The treatment of the causative disease helps against itching in the vagina.In the vast majority of cases, the itching hides a vaginal infection.

In most cases fungi are responsible. In the case of mild fungal infections, freely available fungicidal creams and vaginal suppositories, such as KadeFungin®, can help very effectively against the symptoms. In most cases, improvement occurs within a few hours.

However, more persistent fungal infections require prescription therapy with fungicidal suppositories, creams or even tablets. Apart from vaginal fungal infections, bacterial vaginosis is a very common cause of vaginal itching. This imbalance of the vaginal flora is treated with antibiotics.

Especially in the case of an affected vaginal flora and vaginal itching, gentle care of the intimate area is very important in order not to increase the symptoms. Even if the causative disease is accompanied by an unpleasant vaginal odor, one should definitely refrain from washing the vagina with shower gel or soap. This can only intensify the itching.

Cleaning the intimate area with clear lukewarm water is sufficient. Furthermore, satin, lace or polyester underwear should be avoided, as this can only intensify the itching further. Recommended, however, is simple cotton.

For vaginal dryness, the therapy is also very different. For estrogen deficiency, creams, suppositories or gels that are applied locally will help in most cases. In more severe cases, for example during menopause, when other symptoms occur, hormone therapy with progestin estrogen preparations can be used.

If the vaginal dryness is caused by a disease, it should be treated in the best possible way. To restore the natural pH value of the vagina, agents that supply lactic acid, such as suppositories, can help. For intimate hygiene, it is sufficient to clean the intimate region with lukewarm water once or twice a day.

If care products are used, care should be taken to ensure that they are mild and have a low pH value. The simplest remedy against an itchy vagina is to wear cotton underwear that is not too tight and boilable. Since this can absorb moisture, it prevents the development of a too humid climate.

If possible, it should be changed twice a day to prevent the growth of pathogens. Hygiene products such as inserts or tampons should also be changed regularly for this reason. Washing the vagina with aggressive soaps and lotions should be avoided, as these additionally irritate the skin.

Instead, simply use lukewarm water or mild care products. Another remedy against itching is aloe vera. The ingredients of the plant care for and cool the vaginal mucosa.

You can use the juice, gel or porridge of the plant. Sitting baths with chamomile or oak bark also have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Since lactic acid bacteria can bring the flora back into balance, natural yogurt without additives can help against itching.