Itching in the vagina


Many women suffer in the course of their lives from single or recurring itching in the vaginal area. Persistent itching in particular is often a warning symptom to indicate an infection. In addition to itching, other symptoms such as burning, pain and discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse can also occur. Redness, swelling, blisters, nodules and weeping may also accompany the itching.


Among the causes of an unpleasant itching feeling in the vaginal area are

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Allergies, for example contact allergies to latex, nickel, fragrances
  • After taking antibiotics
  • Lichen ruber planus (papule lichen)
  • Fungal infections: thrush/candidosis
  • Bacterial infections: Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia
  • Parasitic infections: trichomoniasis, scabies, crabs
  • Virus infections: Herpes genitalis (genital herpes)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Iron Deficiency
  • Estrogen deficiency
  • Tumors of the sweat glands (syringomas, benign)
  • Vulva cancer
  • Cervical Cancer

Both physical and psychological causes can trigger vaginal dryness. Thus, women of all ages can be affected. In addition to itching, vaginal dryness often causes pain during sexual intercourse, burning of the skin and a burning sensation when urinating.

Vaginal dryness also makes it easier for pathogens to colonize the vagina and can thus lead to unpleasant infections. A frequent cause is an estrogen deficiency, which occurs particularly during the menopause. However, the body’s oestrogen production can also decrease after pregnancy and while breastfeeding, due to certain medications, radiation or chemotherapy and due to stress.

Oestrogen plays an important role in the production of vaginal fluid, which keeps the vagina moist and protects against pathogens. Therefore, if there is a lack of estrogen, this promotes vaginal dryness. In addition, certain diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and autoimmune diseases, can cause a dry vagina.

Certain contraceptives, the consumption of alcohol, smoking and excessive hygiene of the genital area with aggressive soaps and creams can also cause or increase vaginal dryness by changing the pH value of the vagina. Fungal infections of the vagina (genital sores) are one of the most common causes of an itchy vagina. The most common pathogen is Candida albicans, which is why it is also called candidiasis.

Symptoms of genital sores include itching and burning of the vagina, whitish patches, reddened vaginal skin and a crumbly discharge. Candida fungi colonize the skin or mucous membrane of many people in small numbers without causing symptoms. Infection only occurs when the immune system is disturbed.

A frequent cause is therefore stress. But it can also be caused by diseases like AIDS, cancer, diabetes or alcoholism. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy can disrupt the immune system.

Another frequent cause is medication. Antibiotics can disturb the balance between fungi and bacteria and lead to an overgrowth of fungi. Immunosuppressants, cortisone or chemotherapy, on the other hand, directly weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility.

Candidosis is diagnosed by a smear of the vaginal mucosa and subsequent detection of the pathogen. So-called antimycotics (antifungal agents) are used for therapy, such as Nystatin. For vaginal mycosis, local treatment with ointments or suppositories is usually sufficient.

Since candidiasis is contagious, a condom should always be used during sexual intercourse to protect against infection. Antibiotics are used to treat various bacterial diseases. These include infections of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, tonsillitis or urinary tract infections.

The use of an antibiotic only makes sense if a bacterial infection is very likely or diagnostically confirmed. Unfortunately, antibiotics can attack the vaginal milieu and promote vaginal mycosis there. The reason for this is as follows: Although antibiotics should attack the pathogenic bacteria as specifically as possible, it is unfortunately unavoidable that bacteria that belong to the healthy skin and mucous membrane flora are also destroyed.Thus a therapy with antibiotics can attack the Döderlein bacteria and other “good” bacteria of the vaginal mucosa and lead to an imbalance in the vaginal milieu.

This favors an infection with vaginal fungi or other bacteria, so that an itching can develop. The symptoms should not be ignored, but should be reported to the treating physician. The doctor can then adjust the therapy and treat the vaginal infection.

This topic may also be of interest to you: Side effects of antibioticsAn allergy can be directed against many substances. Contact allergies in particular often cause itching. In addition, so-called contact dermatitis causes reddened, swollen and weeping skin.

These allergies are often triggered by nickel, latex, fragrances, preservatives and cleaning agents. The allergy develops only over time through repeated contact and occurs with a delay of at least 12 hours after contact. The symptoms usually occur at the site that has been in contact with the so-called allergen.

For treatment, the allergenic substance should primarily be avoided. In addition, creams and ointments with glucocorticoids or antihistamines can be applied locally and the area cooled. If these methods are not sufficient, these agents can also be administered in tablet form.

Nodular lichen, or lichen ruber planus, is an inflammatory skin disease. It is one of the most common dermatological diseases in the age of 30 to 60 years. It is characterized by bluish-reddish nodules with a white net-like pattern on the surface.

The rash can be asymptomatic to very painful and often causes severe itching. Scratching can increase the lichen and cause new nodules on the skin. The nodular lichen can appear on the entire surface of the skin and on the mucous membrane.

The causes of lichen ruber planus are unknown, it is probably an autoimmune disease. Often the nodules disappear on their own after some time. In the genital area the lichen is often more persistent.

For therapy, cortisone creams are used, with which the affected skin areas are rubbed. If the infestation is particularly pronounced, the tissue can also be injected with cortisone or a cortisone dose in tablet form can be considered. Cooling helps to relieve itching.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus). These can affect the entire urogenital area and have an incubation period of 2-4 days.

Many infections are asymptomatic or syptomless. The first symptoms are often discomfort when urinating. If the infection is not treated, it can lead to infertility.

The mucous membrane of the vagina cannot become infected, except in postmenopausal women and children. Penicillin is given for treatment. However, since there has been a lot of resistance to this antibiotic, the cephalosporin Cefaxim is now considered the first choice in Germany.

The treatment should be given to both sexual partners. The bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis D-K are the most common pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. A disease can proceed without symptoms.

If symptoms occur, in women they are often problems and burning sensation when urinating, vaginal discharge, intermediate bleeding and abdominal pain. Ascending infections can cause the fallopian tubes to fuse together and are the main cause of sterility in Western countries. Urine samples or swabs are required for diagnosis.

Chlamydia is treated antibiotically with tetracycline, doxycycline or erythromycin for at least 10 days. The sexual partner must also be treated to prevent re-infection. Herpes genitalis infection is caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV) and is one of the sexually transmitted diseases.

This can be subtype 1, but HSV-2 is a common cause of genital infections. The herpes viruses remain in the body for life after infection and can therefore repeatedly lead to acute attacks. The symptoms are usually most severe after the initial infection.

This leads to painful blisters forming on the mucous membrane. These blisters burst open after a short time and leave flat, crusty ulcers. The skin changes become noticeable by burning and itching of the mucous membrane and usually heal after 2-4 weeks.

During this time the skin changes are highly contagious. A complete elimination of the viruses is not possible.Therapy with the antiviral drug Aciclovir can reduce the symptoms and shorten the course. Which could also be of interest to you: Duration of genital herpesScabies is an infectious skin disease caused by parasites (scabies mites).

It is transmitted through direct skin contact or shared laundry. The mites can survive for up to 36 hours outside their host (human). Symptoms appear about two to six weeks after infection.

These include severe itching, skin changes such as redness and scaling and nodules. The affected skin areas may also be infected with bacteria. Lack of hygiene and many people living in one place make it easier for the bacteria to spread.

For treatment, so-called antiscabiosa are used, such as allethrin or permethrin. These are administered locally as creams or sprays, in severe cases also in the form of tablets. In addition, a daily change of underwear must be ensured in order to avoid renewed infections.

What else might also be of interest to you: How contagious is scabies?iron deficiency can lead to anemia (lack of blood). In an iron deficiency anemia, the iron is missing for the correct and sufficient formation of new red blood cells. This iron deficiency can be caused by bleeding (for example during menstruation), a low-iron diet, an increased iron requirement (during pregnancy or growth) or a disturbed iron absorption due to diseases or medication.

Patients with iron deficiency anemia often feel flabby, pale, have headaches, dizziness, brittle nails, dry and itchy skin, hair loss, tongue burning, cracked corners of the mouth and loss of appetite. For the therapy, a source of bleeding (e.g. stomach ulcer) must first be excluded. In addition, a diet containing iron and vitamin C should be aimed for.

If this is not sufficient, iron can be administered through preparations. In women, estrogen plays an important role in the menstrual cycle, in fertilization and in pregnancy. A deficiency therefore has serious consequences for the woman.

It can be caused by natural (menopause), pathological (renal insufficiency) or hormonal contraception (minipill). An estrogen deficiency can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including hot flushes, menstrual disorders, vaginal dryness, sweating, itching, dry mucous membranes, osteoporosis, incontinence and hair loss. Depending on the existing symptoms, the treatment varies greatly.

Simple remedies such as suppositories and creams for vaginal dryness, eye drops, endurance sports or dietary supplements can alleviate mild symptoms. If the symptoms are severe, hormone replacement therapy can be considered. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that leads to elevated blood sugar levels.

There are two forms of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. 95% of cases are type 2 diabetes, which often occurs in adulthood. In type 1 there is a lack of insulin, in type 2 the body cells are less sensitive to insulin.

Symptoms are extreme thirst, ravenous hunger, increased urination, fatigue, itching and increased susceptibility to infection. Untreated diabetes leads to damage to the blood vessels and thus increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and circulatory problems. The treatment goal is to normalize blood sugar levels.

For type 1, insulin is given regularly, for type 2, general measures such as a change in diet, weight reduction and physical activity can be helpful at the beginning. If these measures are not sufficient, oral antidiabetics such as metformin can be taken. In a second step, insulin therapy can be useful.

Vaginal cancer (vaginal carcinoma) is a very rare malignant tumor disease of the female genital area. It occurs mainly in older women. Complaints often occur only in advanced stages.

Symptoms are unusual discharge, bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse, pain when urinating and irregular stool. Connections to surrounding organs may develop. The therapy depends on the stage of the disease.

If the disease is at a low stage, radical surgery and radiation is performed. In higher stages, surgery is only performed if complete removal of the tumor is possible. It is possible that all pelvic organs will have to be removed.

In any case, irradiation is performed. If the vagina itches during pregnancy, a doctor should always be consulted.Since an itchy vagina often indicates an infection, special care should be taken during pregnancy. The infections can rise and the pathogens can colonize the amniotic sac.

This increases the risk of a premature rupture of the amniotic sac and the risk of premature birth increases 5-fold. The pathogens cause the amniotic sac to become more sensitive and burst earlier. In the worst case, the infection can spread to the mother or the unborn child and thus lead to life-threatening complications.

To avoid these complications, infections should be treated consistently. Allergies or excessive hygiene are not dangerous for the unborn child in the first place. However, since these promote infections, the allergen should be avoided and adequate hygiene should be aimed for.

Since the hormonal situation is changed during pregnancy, a lack of estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness. As this also favours infections, local hormone therapy with suppositories or ointments should be carried out. Which could also be of interest to you: Vaginal mycosis during pregnancy