What to do if the swelling in the eye does not disappear? | Swelling of the eyes

What to do if the swelling in the eye does not disappear?

If it is the case that either the exact cause of eye swelling remains open or the swelling does not disappear, further diagnostic measures should be taken. In the case of infection-related swelling of the eye, a smear of the conjunctiva should be taken to find out the pathogen that causes the inflammation with accompanying swelling of the eye. If the swelling of the eye is allergic and is not getting better, a stronger anti-allergic medication should be taken.

In this case, cetirizine® or cortisone would be a suitable treatment. If the swelling of the eye is unclear, an ultrasound of the eyeball should always be performed (performed by an ophthalmologist) and an imaging of the head should always be performed. This should show whether a tumor is pressing on the eye and causing it to swell.

Eye swelling after falls that do not improve must always make one think of an orbital floor fracture. This dangerous fracture should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.