Which doctor diagnoses asthma? | The diagnosis of bronchial asthma

Which doctor diagnoses asthma?

If bronchial asthma is suspected, they should be referred to a pulmonologist (lung specialist). The pulmonologist is well versed in the various diagnostic methods (spirometry, peak flow) and can reliably assess the values. During the examination, the pulmonologist will ask you a few questions to take your medical history.

This is followed by a physical examination, which includes an auscultation of the lungs. During this examination, one tries to hear pathological breathing sounds, such as gulling. Depending on the findings, various lung function tests are ordered. In some cases imaging (chest x-ray) may also be necessary.

What are the diagnostic criteria?

There are several criteria for the diagnosis of bronchial asthma. These are: The clinical symptoms, the medical history (recording of the patient’s medical history), the evidence of a narrowing of the airways and the reversibility of this condition. The clinical symptoms manifest themselves as a compulsion to clear the throat, coughing, pathological breathing sounds and, in acute cases, shortness of breath.

During the first examination, the attending physician asks specific questions (anamnesis) and thus decides whether asthma could be an appropriate diagnosis. Proof of a narrowing of the airways is provided by specific lung function tests (spirometry, metacholine provocation test). The reversibility of this condition is checked by specific drugs – so-called beta-symphatomimetics.

These drugs cause the airways to dilate and the patient can breathe freely again. If all these criteria are met, the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is confirmed.