You can recognize a virus infection by these symptoms | Virus infection

You can recognize a virus infection by these symptoms

There are numerous different virus infections. Each viral infection causes different symptoms and complaints. Known virus infections are: Chickenpox is a classic skin rash with small, sometimes unbearably itchy spots.

Rubella can cause a reddish skin rash and a slightly increased temperature. In measles, the precursor stage is similar to influenza, later on characteristic Koplik spots appear. Polio often begins with unspecific symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, fever, muscle pain and can cause flaccid paralysis.

An HIV infection progresses in different stages of the disease and leads to various complaints and diseases. The last stage is called AIDS, where the affected persons suffer from various infections and even cancer. Hepatitis can cause general symptoms (malaise, fatigue, exhaustion, fever) and liver problems up to liver failure.

TBE viruses cause flu-like symptoms, fever and, in some patients, a dangerous inflammation of the brain and meninges (meningoencephalitis). However, viruses also cause diseases such as diarrhoea, respiratory infections, flu-like infections and conjunctivitis. A flu-like infection is a more harmless viral infection.

Those affected often suffer from fever, chills and feel tired and inefficient. A flu-like infection can be accompanied by sore throat, cough and hoarseness. Frequently, but not always, a viral infection is accompanied by an increased temperature and discomfort throughout the body (so-called aching limbs). In simple infections, the symptoms improve from day to day.

  • Chickenpox
  • Rubella
  • Measles
  • Poliomyelitis
  • HIV infection
  • Hepatitis
  • And TBE infection.


Virus infections are always treated symptomatically.This means that the doctor only relieves the symptoms. Those affected can do various things themselves to get well faster. It is important to allow the body sufficient rest and, above all, plenty of sleep.

If you have a viral infection, it is essential to drink enough fluids, especially water and teas. A humidifier can be helpful for cold symptoms. If you suffer from sore throat, lozenges or gargling salt water can help.

It also helps to take vitamin C and zinc. Medications used for viral infections include painkillers, antipyretic drugs and nasal spray. For serious viral infections like HIV, there are certain medications that minimize the viral load in the blood.

Such a therapy lasts a lifetime and must be checked regularly by a doctor. Some virus infections can also be prevented by getting vaccinated. This applies to polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and hepatitis B.

Taking antibiotics is useless if you have a viral infection and can also have a negative effect on your health. Antibiotics only work against bacteria. If one takes antibiotics too frequently, the body becomes resistant to certain drugs.

In order to prevent resistance, antibiotics should only be taken if there is a confirmed bacterial infection. Since viruses live within host cells, they are difficult to reach. They provide fewer targets for drugs, so it is best for the immune system to fight even virus-infected cells.

Bacteria grow and feed differently. One can intervene in the metabolism of bacteria without destroying human body cells. Antibiotics therefore only work against bacteria. For example, they attack the cell wall (penicillin) or destroy other cell components of the intruders.