Zinc: Effects and daily requirement

What is zinc?

Good zinc supply in Germany

Studies show that the population in Germany is well supplied with zinc. One of the reasons for this is that the soil in this country contains a relatively large amount of zinc, which is found in the cereals, pulses and vegetables grown. The most important zinc supplier, however, is meat (especially beef, pork and poultry), which is regularly eaten by many people in Germany.

Vegetarians and vegans beware

In the human intestine, however, phytate binds various micronutrients, including zinc. The trace element can then no longer pass through the intestinal wall into the blood. In a purely plant-based diet, up to 45 percent less zinc can be absorbed than in a mixed diet of plant and animal foods. Accordingly, more zinc-containing foods must be consumed to meet the requirement.

What are the functions of zinc in the body?

  • Cell growth: Zinc is important for cell division.
  • Immune defense: Zinc supports the immune system. It is also said to have a healing effect on colds, but this is not clearly proven scientifically.
  • Antioxidant processes: Zinc helps bind free radicals – reactive oxygen compounds that can damage cells and genetic material (DNA). They are formed in the course of normal metabolic processes, but also, for example, by UV radiation and nicotine.
  • Formation of the red blood pigment hemoglobin
  • Sperm formation
  • Wound healing
  • Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
  • Hormone formation

In order for all these vital processes to run smoothly, the body needs sufficient zinc.

What is the daily requirement of zinc?

Children and adolescents

According to the DGE, the following recommendations apply with regard to the daily intake of zinc for children and adolescents:




0 to 3 months

1.5 mg/day

4 to 12 months

2.5 mg/day

1 to 3 years

3 mg/day

4 to 6 years

4 mg/day

7 to 9 years

6 mg/day

10 to 12 years

9 mg/day

8 mg/day

13 to 14 years

12 mg/day

10 mg/day

15 to 18 years

14 mg/day

11 mg/day


  • low phytate intake (330 mg phytate per day): It is present when someone consumes few whole grains and legumes and uses mainly animal sources of protein (such as meat). The zinc contained in the diet can then be well absorbed.
  • high phytate intake (990 mg phytate per day): This is the case if someone eats a lot of whole grain products (especially non-germinated or unfermented products) and legumes and covers his protein requirements exclusively or mainly with vegetable products (such as soy). The many added phytate hinders the absorption of zinc in the intestine.

With this in mind, the following recommendations for daily zinc intake apply to men and non-pregnant and non-lactating women:



11 mg/day

7 mg/day

average phytate intake

14 mg/day

8 mg/day

high phytate intake

16 mg/day

10 mg/day

In pregnancy and lactation the need of zinc is increased, finally finally the trace element is among other things important for cell growth and cell division. Therefore, the following recommendations apply here (for pregnant women depending on the third of pregnancy = trimester):

1st trimester

2nd and 3rd trimester


low phytate intake

7 mg/day

9 mg/day

11 mg/day

average phytate intake

9 mg/day

11 mg/day

13 mg/day

11 mg/day

13 mg/day

14 mg/day

Foods with high zinc content

When it comes to zinc supply, meat lovers can rejoice: beef, pork and poultry contain particularly high amounts of the trace element. Other animal food, for example cheese and eggs, are likewise good suppliers for zinc. But vegetarians and vegans can also ensure their zinc supply by simple means.

How does a zinc deficiency manifest itself?

Read more about the signs and risk factors for zinc deficiency as well as the possibilities of treatment in the article Zinc Deficiency.

How does a zinc surplus manifest itself?

In such cases, an overdose can quickly occur – with not inconsiderable consequences. Because the heavy metal zinc in high doses can cause symptoms of poisoning such as:

  • Nausea
  • abdominal cramps
  • loss of appetite
  • metallic taste in the mouth
  • diarrhea
  • headache

In addition, zinc in high doses can impair the absorption of copper. This can result in a copper deficiency in the body – with anemia and neurological disorders as possible consequences.