

Zocor® is a prescription drug used primarily to lower blood cholesterol levels. It contains the drug simvastatin. Simvastatin in turn belongs to the group of statins.

Fields of application: Zocor® is mainly given when there are elevated levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. It is also given in cases of acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina pectoris or heart attacks, which are often triggered by elevated cholesterol levels. Simvastatin is also prescribed for homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. This is a hereditary disease in which there is a disturbance in fat metabolism, which leads to an increase in blood LDL levels.


If cholesterol levels are elevated, the first step is to try to lower them by adopting a healthy lifestyle (low-fat diet, exercise and weight reduction). If these measures do not lead to the desired reduction in cholesterol levels, simvastatin – the active ingredient contained in Zocor® – is given. This causes the LDL in the blood to decrease and the HDL, the so-called “good” cholesterol in the blood, to increase.

LDL is called “bad” cholesterol because it brings cholesterol to the cells. Too much LDL causes a lot of cholesterol to be transported from the liver (where cholesterol is formed) to the cells of the body. This can cause calcification of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) – plaques can form in the arteries.

These plaques can constrict blood vessels, which can lead to secondary diseases such as circulatory disorders, e.g. in the legs or brain, or even a heart attack. Zocor® counteracts this by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. This enzyme is important in the body’s own production of cholesterol. If it is inhibited, less cholesterol is produced in the liver, which can then be transported into the blood via LDL. Consequently, the cholesterol level in the blood drops.


Since Zocor® is a prescription-only product, the dosage and also the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Usually 10-40 mg is taken once a day. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 80 mg and is usually only prescribed for very high cholesterol levels. In addition to taking Zocor®, a low cholesterol diet and exercise should be taken.