Pain toenail | Pain in the toe

Pain toenail

Common causes of pain in the toenail are nail bed inflammation and nail fungus. Nail bed inflammation is caused by poorly fitting shoes, incorrect cutting of the nails, so that the toenail is injured or ingrown, or by sports injuries. The nail wall, the nail bed or the nail fold are usually reddened and very painful, swollen and sensitive to pressure.

The diagnosis is made at first sight and the treatment consists of immobilization and application of certain ointments or creams. Nail fungus typically manifests itself by a thickening of the nail, which can also become yellowish-white in color and crumbly. Often it occurs together with athlete’s foot, which occurs mainly in cases of heavy sweating on the feet or an immune deficiency.

But here, too, poor foot hygiene, incorrect footwear and incorrect nail care are causes. Nail fungus can be treated locally with lotions or special nail polish, systemically with an antimycotic (a medicine against fungal diseases) or by laser treatment. In diabetics or people with circulatory problems, nail care should be carried out by a professional pedicurist, as the risk of infection is increased.

The costs are usually covered by the statutory health insurance companies. A special form of pain in the toenail is the subungual hematoma: A bruise between the nail and the nail bed, usually caused by bruising the nail (see: Bruise under the nail). This causes severe pain, which may be throbbing or pulsating, and visible bleeding under the nail. Relief is provided by drilling the nail with a cannula, which usually leads to an immediate improvement of the pain.


Gout is a metabolic disorder associated with an elevated uric acid level in the blood. If the concentration of uric acid is too high, uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints. Since these crystals are perceived by the immune system as foreign bodies, an inflammatory reaction occurs in the joint, which is accompanied by joint swelling and severe pain.

The big toe is often affected. The gout can be seizure-like, resulting in sudden pain in the affected joint. In addition, overheating, redness and swelling can be observed.

It is important that the gout is treated, because in addition to joint damage, it also causes kidney damage, which is not painful and can therefore remain undetected. Gout is often caused by a kidney dysfunction. This problem is then exacerbated by gout.

Therapeutically, the drug Allopurinol can reduce the uric acid concentration. It is also beneficial to avoid foods containing a lot of purine, a precursor of uric acid. These are mainly meat, fish and legumes. The toe pain that occurs during an attack of gout can be treated with anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen. Cortisone can also be given to inhibit inflammation.