Swollen breast during breastfeeding | Swelling of the breast

Swollen breast during breastfeeding

During the breastfeeding period, swelling of the breast is quite natural. During pregnancy, the female breast adapts to the upcoming breastfeeding period and then produces breast milk, which explains the swelling and volume increase of the breast.Massages as well as regular breastfeeding and cooling compresses help to completely empty the breast and thus prevent milk congestion. For various reasons, however, breastfeeding can also lead to so-called mastitis puerperalis, which is accompanied by pain, redness, hardening and overheating.

This is an inflammation of the breast, which usually occurs 2-4 weeks after birth and is usually unilateral. Fever also occurs in rare cases. The causes of inflammation of the breast during breastfeeding vary.

An inefficient or irregular emptying of the breast can lead to a milk congestion, which does not always have to be accompanied by an impairment of the general condition. In these cases, it is usually sufficient to put the baby on regularly and to remove the breast. Weaning is not considered to be sensible and is rarely necessary.

Stress and restlessness can also cause mastitis, as it affects the mother’s lactating reflex, which is very important for breastfeeding. Finally, bacteria can enter the mammary glands through small injuries to the nipple and cause inflammation there. Before breastfeeding, the breast should be warmed up in case of inflammation of the breast, after breastfeeding cooling curd cheese compresses will help. In addition, pain-relieving medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen help to alleviate symptoms. Antibiotics such as cephalosporins or penicillins can be used in the case of bacterial mastitis.

Breast swelling caused by the pill

The Pill is a very popular hormonal contraceptive used by women all over the world. Pills are differentiated according to the hormones they contain. There are pills that contain both progestins and estrogens, and there are progestin-only preparations.

Oestrogens can cause mastopathy as a side effect and thus swelling of the breast. The hormonal influence on the breast leads to remodelling processes in the tissue, which are not dangerous, but can be very disturbing for some women, depending on their extent. In these cases the problem should be discussed with the gynaecologist treating the patient. If necessary, he or she can suggest another preparation or even another method of contraception.