Exercises for the LWS | Physiotherapy for myelopathy

Exercises for the LWS

The following text describes exercises for the lumbar spine, which are intended to promote straightening of the spine in myelopathy. You can sit down on a chair for the exercise. Your two heels are completely touching the floor and your legs are hip-wide apart.

Your upper body is and remains erect during the exercise. The neck is extended and your chin is drawn back towards your neck. Point her chest forward and pull her shoulders back.

In order not to bring the lumbar spine into a hollow back when straightening up, tilt her pelvic blades backwards by rolling her pelvis backwards. Then tense her abdomen and keep the tension. You can hold this position for 15-20 seconds and do this for 3-5 series.

To increase the tension, tilt your upper body back. However, make sure that your upper body remains like a straight board. To check the straightening, place both palms of your hands on your stomach. Your hands control that your belly does not become longer and that its tension is reduced.

Exercises for BWS

In addition to the lumbar spine, the thoracic spine area should also be included in the exercises. To strengthen the thoracic spine in the case of myelopathy, you can sit down again. Both legs are slightly further apart and your upper body is erect.

Let your arms hang loosely and place your hands relaxed on your thighs. Now circle your shoulders backwards. It is important that the movement starts from your shoulders.

The arms remain loose and do not carry out the movement, but are moved along with the shoulders. Let your shoulders circle for 15-20 times and repeat this for 3-5 series. During the shoulder movements your upper body remains erect.

You can also increase this exercise. Simply repeat the exercise for the lumbar spine, tilting your straight upper body backwards. Your upper body remains in a straight line and your hands can control this again. Hold this tilted position and then let your shoulders circle back again. Repeat these shoulder movements in the tilted position of the upper body for 15-20 times and can repeat this in 3-5 series.