Further measures in physiotherapy | Exercises for torn ligaments at the elbow

Further measures in physiotherapy

If a patient comes to the physiotherapeutic practice with the diagnosis of a torn ligament in the elbow, the first step is to determine in an individual consultation whether there are any other injuries or previous illnesses and whether a surgical procedure or purely conservative treatment has been chosen. Afterwards, the therapist will design a treatment plan tailored to the patient, whereby various physiotherapy measures can be applied: Heat and cold applications to relax the muscles, promote blood circulation and reduce pain and any swelling. Manual therapy is mainly used postoperatively, but also in the acute phase after the injury.The therapist passively mobilizes the joint and massages the cramped musculature with special grip techniques.

Physiotherapy with or without equipment. The aim is to restore the lost strength of the elbow joint as well as stability and mobility. Kinesiotape.

By attaching a kinesiotape the elbow joint is supported in its function. At the same time, the gentle massage by the tape activates important metabolic processes.

  • Heat and cold applications to relax the muscles, promote blood circulation and reduce pain and possible swelling.
  • Manual therapy is mainly used postoperatively but also in the acute phase after the injury.

    The therapist passively mobilizes the joint and massages the cramped musculature with special grip techniques.

  • Physiotherapy with or without equipment. The aim is to restore the lost strength of the elbow joint as well as stability and mobility.
  • Kinesiotape. The elbow joint is supported in its function by attaching a kinesiotape. At the same time, the gentle massage by the tape stimulates important metabolic processes

Duration of the disease

The duration of a torn ligament at the elbow joint depends on various factors. Firstly, the healing process can be delayed if other tissues or bones are damaged in addition to the ligament injury. Pre-existing conditions and the age of the patient also have an effect on the healing time.

Another important factor in the prognosis of the chances of healing is the choice of the therapy method. Although in most cases a conservative procedure is attempted, this may, under certain circumstances, prolong the duration of healing, since the joint must first be spared before active therapy can be started. A torn ligament at the elbow that runs without complications usually heals again within 6-12 weeks. If there are other injuries or if surgery is necessary, the healing time can be extended to months in the worst case.