Respiratory Therapy: Breathing Correctly

Our breathing happens unconsciously, and that is precisely why many people breathe incompletely and cramped. Sometimes the air to breathe becomes scarce: stress or anxiety can lead to a breathing rate that is designed by nature as a flight reflex. Breathing correctly means letting the air breathed flow completely into the abdomen and pelvis without strain. If you breathe much faster or even pant, you supply your body with less oxygen and can release less carbon dioxide. This increases muscle tension and makes the body less sensitive to pain. In exceptional situations, this is useful and vital, but it is not meant to be a permanent feature.

Our breathing

The blood circulation supplies the organism with everything needed to live. Breathing brings oxygen to the blood: 500 liters per day, which are carried to the cells with the blood. Calm breathing prevents blockages caused by strong emotions and increased tension. But under stress, people automatically breathe shallower and more compressed. Thus, only about 7 to 10 liters of air reach the organs through the bloodstream. With targeted abdominal breathing, one can take in up to 75 liters of air and thus have a positive influence on the body and psyche through the conscious control of breathing.

Correct breathing can be learned

If you constantly breathe too fast, you put a strain on your body. When breathing is too shallow, the capacity of the lungs is not fully utilized. Some stale air still remains in the alveoli. This can impair the oxygen supply to the body’s tissues. The muscles and organs – but especially the brain – then do not reach their full capacity. Fatigue, poor concentration and even digestive problems can be the result.

Breathing is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Conversely, the autonomic nervous system can be influenced and harmonized through the breath. In order to be able to breathe properly again, breathing therapy is used. A distinction is made between “therapy of breathing” and “therapy with breathing”.

Reimbursement by health insurance companies

If respiratory therapy is prescribed by a panel physician as part of therapy or rehabilitation, health insurance companies usually cover the cost of treatment. Those who want to improve their breathing technique for relaxation and recovery to reduce stress must bear the costs themselves. In many cases, health insurance companies also offer such courses together with adult education centers, and occasionally these courses are subsidized by the health insurance companies. This regulation applies to the therapy of breathing and the therapy with the breath. In individual cases, one should discuss reimbursement with the health insurance company in advance.