Anabolic Steroids: Effects, Uses & Risks

Anabolic steroids are called prescription drugs that stimulate cell growth in the human body. Actually developed for the treatments of diseases, anabolic steroids are mainly known by their abuse for muscle building.

What are anabolic steroids?

The permanent use of anabolic steroids, for example for extreme body muscle building, has negative effects on health. Anabolic steroids, or anabolic steroids, are prescription drugs that cause similar effects in the human body as the hormone testosterone. The drug promotes protein production in cells, especially muscle cells. Anabolic steroids have equally androgenic virilizing properties; including enhancement of male body attributes such as a deeper voice, growth of the testicles or hair growth. Anabolic steroids have been produced and used medically since the 1930s to strengthen bone growth, stimulate appetite, and induce male puberty. Anabolic steroids are also used in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. The permanent use, e.g. for the extreme build-up of body muscles, has negative effects on health. These include a significant increase in cholesterol levels, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease, acne, high blood pressure, liver damage. Also gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands) or testicular atrophy (reduction of the testicles) occurs more frequently.

Pharmacologic effects

Anabolic steroids have two different effects on the human body. First, they cause cell growth, and second, they promote classic male attributes. Stimulating protein synthesis boosts appetite, promotes bone growth, and stimulating bone marrow promotes red blood cell production. Through a series of complex mechanisms, anabolic steroids also promote the growth of muscle cells, resulting in increased muscle mass and body strength. The androgenic effects are also numerous and irreversible depending on the duration of use. Thus, it has effects on pubertal growth, the production of sebaceous glands in the skin and sexuality. It can cause growth of the clitoris in females and growth of the penis in male children (it does not cause growth in males). An increase in libido and a deeper voice are also typical side effects. Natural sex hormones are suppressed and male sperm is damaged. Continuous use makes women become more masculine. Their chest recedes, voice deepens, and hair growth on the face begins. Men develop feminine features. The formation of a breast, reduced testicles, declining sperm.

Medical use and application

Since the development of anabolic steroids, the drug has been used to treat many conditions, but with varying degrees of success. For decades, anabolic steroids were used primarily in the stimulation of bone marrow, particularly in the treatment of hypolastic anemia (anemia) in leukemia or renal failure. Today, anabolic steroids are being replaced in this field by hormone therapies. Anabolic steroids also had a long history of use in the treatment of growth disorders in children; however, after the development of synthetic growth hormones, anabolic steroids remain a secondary treatment in this field. During cachexia (severe emaciation) in severe disease (cancer, AIDS), anabolic steroids are used to increase appetite and maintain muscle mass. In boys with delayed onset of puberty, anabolic steroids are used in part to induce it; stimulating growth and gain. There are research efforts to use anabolic steroids for male contraception. In men with low testosterone levels, anabolic steroid therapy may help, as well as in increasing libido in older men. In gender identity disorder, anabolic steroids may find use to promote male attributes (hair growth, deeper voice, muscle growth) in women with a desire for change.

Risks and side effects

The use of anabolic steroids can have numerous side effects and involve risks. Depending on how long the drug is consumed, it can cause lasting damage to the immune system. The most common side effects are high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. Prolonged use also increases the risk of cardiovascular problems or coronary heart disease. Another very common side effect among users of anabolic steroids is acne and premature baldness.Especially orally taken anabolic steroids can harm the liver in the long run. Men run the risk of developing female breasts and in some cases losing the function of the testicles. However, these side effects usually normalize after stopping the anabolic steroids. Women develop more hair and a lower voice pitch. If anabolic steroids are taken during pregnancy, there is a risk of developing female attributes in a male child and male attributes in a female child.