Immobilization and rest with cooling and elevation of the joint must be observed
Observance of the PECH rule:
“P” pause: stop playing sports, rest, immobilization.
“E” ice/cooling: immediate application of cold, this is crucial for the healing process: it prevents the expansion of tissue damage; cold also has a pain-relieving effectNotes on implementation: repeat every 2 to 3 hours; do not apply ice directly to the skin; do not use on open wounds.
“C” Compression e.g. elastic pressure bandage (moderate tension).
“H” Elevation above the level of the heart: reduce blood supply to the damaged tissue; better removal of tissue fluidNotes on implementation: In case of extensive swelling, elevate for 1-2 days.
Later can then be started with a careful mobilization.
In case of osteoarthritis or joint degeneration – see under osteoarthritis.
In case of trauma – care depending on the nature of the injury.
Conventional non-surgical therapy methods
Analgesics u. Anti-inflammatory drugs (see under drug therapy).
Thermotherapy, this consists of heat and cold therapy (cryotherapy):
Heat therapy in the form of balneotherapy or electrothermotherapy has an analgesic effect (relieves pain) and may improve mobility and health-related quality of life.
Cryotherapy is used only in active, inflammatory osteoarthritis.