Bone fracture in the foot

When the foot is broken, several bones can be affected, so the toes, as well as the metatarsus and tarsal bones can break. In detail, these are very different injuries with different symptoms, which require different treatments. A fracture of the toes, the metatarsus or the tarsal is called a fracture of the foot. Thus, the toe bones (phalanges), the metatarsals (Ossa metatarsalia) or the tarsal bones (Ossa tarsi) break.


A fracture of the toe bones (phalanges) can affect one or more toes. Each toe consists of three limbs, i.e. three individual bones, the exception being the big toe with only two limbs. The most common fracture of the toe is at the base of the phalanx.

The fracture of the toe is symptomatic of immediate and severe pain. A swelling and hematoma (haematoma) on the corresponding toe occurs relatively quickly. A malpositioning of the affected toe can also occur, often caused by the tendons attached to the toe bones.

In addition, there are functional restrictions in the sense of reduced mobility, so that those affected often spare the injured foot. In the case of a metatarsal fracture, the symptoms depend on whether a single metatarsal bone is broken or whether adjacent bones and structures such as tendons, ligaments or soft tissue are also injured. As a rule, the affected person feels pain, which can be of varying intensity depending on the severity of the injury.

The pain worsens under stress, i.e. when it occurs, which is why patients often assume a gentle gait or a relieving posture. This is often accompanied by swelling of the foot and bruising (haematoma). Less frequently, the broken and displaced bone fragments cause a malpositioning of the foot, which has abnormal mobility due to the deformity.

In the case of an open fracture, there is an open wound from which bone fragments protrude and which is very susceptible to infection. If one of the seven tarsal bones is broken, the pain is moderate to severe. Furthermore, bruising and swelling often occur. As a rule, there is a stress limitation, due to which the affected person only steps very carefully and takes a gentle gait.