Calcium sulfuricum


Calcium sulphate


The 12th Salt Calcium sulfuricum is used as a retuning agent for purulent processes. It has a similar effect as Hepar sulfuris, but has a more profound effect. It also has a good healing effect when abscesses are broken open or cut open.

Application of Calcium sulfuricum for the following diseases

  • Suppurations
  • Abscesses
  • Boils

salts can also be used to treat psychological problems. Mostly the fields of application result from the drug picture of the respective salt or at least are closely connected with it. In alternative medicine the drug picture describes the entire physical symptoms together with character traits and behaviour.

According to the founder of the doctrine of salts, such behavioural patterns consume a larger amount of a certain substance, which may cause a deficiency. Mental problems, which indicate a lack of Calcium Sulfuricum and can be improved accordingly with the administration of this salt, are overstrain and mental or emotional crises. Especially people who are looking for distraction and distraction in such situations instead of dealing with problem solving can benefit from a therapy with this salt.

The aim is to give the person back the feeling of basic trust and strength. However, the administration of Calcium Sulfuricum should not be regarded as the ultimate solution. Rather, it should help to get the problems under control to such an extent that the person can work on changing his or her behaviour patterns under his or her own steam. Our next article might be interesting for you: Homeopathy for Depression

Calcium sulfuricum globules

The twelfth salt can be administered in the form of globules. The areas of application do not differ significantly from those of the tablets. Taking it can help with poorly healing wounds, heavy sweating, purulent skin impurities and eczema.

For the correct dosage a competent person such as a homeopath or alternative practitioner should be consulted. Common potencies for the use of the 12th Salt are D3, D6 and D12. In general, however, globules cannot be overdosed – among other things because of their lack of side effects.

Calcium sulfuricum Ointment

Like most salts, Calcium Sulfuricum can also be used as an ointment. As one of the fields of application of this salt is skin complaints like eczema or purulent rashes, there is logically a special field of application. An ointment with Calcium Sulfuricum can also help with poorly healing or purulent wounds.

This area also includes abscesses, acne or boils. If the salt is used for this purpose, it can be supported in its effect by the salts No. 9 (Sodium Phosphoricum) and No.

11 (Silicea). It can also help with other forms of inflammation that are in or directly under the skin. These include, for example, painfully thickened and inflamed lymph nodes, but rheumatic diseases and complaints can also be alleviated by the administration of Calcium Sulfuricum. In principle, when using salts as an ointment, it is recommended to apply a thin layer to the affected areas several times a day.