Characteristics of giftedness

Synonyms in a broader sense

Gifted, highly gifted, special talent, genius, special talent, high intelligence, highly intelligent, highly gifted, high performance, achiever, underachiever, high talent.

  • Expressive language that draws on a vocabulary that seems rather unusual for the respective age.
  • Possess an increased need to learn
  • Critical thinking ability, which evaluates problems neutrally and independently according to their own level of knowledge
  • Logical thinking is strongly pronounced
  • Spatial imagination
  • Rapid understanding of cause and effect mechanisms
  • Quick save (more interesting general) facts
  • Seeing through connections
  • Comparison of similar processes, …
  • Provide transfer services by seeing through underlying principles and connecting them with already existing knowledge.
  • Can generalize process knowledge learned using the example
  • Intrinsic (self-controlled from within) motivation: thirst for knowledge and willingness to perform
  • Independent work, gladly also independent from others
  • Striving for perfection
  • Seem bored with routine tasks
  • Prefer complex tasks in return
  • Usually have a high working speed
  • Working single-mindedly
  • Appear very self-critical, for example with regard to the problem-solving process, the working speed or the result
  • Interest in topics of the adult world
  • Flexible working (weighing up alternatives, rethinking strategies)
  • Targeted work
  • Do not like to give up (tough stamina)
  • Imagination
  • Often have older friends who have a knowledge advantage over their peers
  • Rarely have friends of the same age
  • Would like to be “determiner” and like to try to take command.
  • Therefore, we are happy to take over responsibility
  • Accept the opinion of others (including authorities) only after thorough examination
  • Have a great sense of justice

It is particularly understandable that conditional factors that do not harmonize with each other can not only atrophy the ability to perform special services. People can only rarely accept that external factors have a negative influence on the overall constellation and thus inhibit the person as such.

For example, a “suppressed” ability to achieve special intellectual achievements can also have a negative effect on the child’s development. Behavioral problems and even learning difficulties are conceivable in a special way. It is therefore not necessarily possible to assume that highly gifted children will always stand out as such.

Highly gifted children can stand out – in both positive and negative ways. Furthermore, the occurrence of a partial performance disorder, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, cannot exclude the possibility that a child is highly gifted. In contrast to the assumption that highly gifted children do not also have problems in certain areas, there is even the definition of partial performance deficits, which mention the occurrence of problems in certain areas despite normal to even above-average intelligence.

Due to their intellectual abilities, highly gifted children often give the impression of being “small adults” and of being superior to their peers. However, it is problematic that this does not usually apply at the emotional level. Therefore, the social abilities of a highly gifted child must be taken into account very carefully, otherwise the fact of being isolated as an outsider becomes very likely.

Time and again, subjective misjudgements occur, especially on the part of parents. Due to the fact that education seems to become more and more important, the desire for special talent combined with the desire for active support is quite understandable. However, as can be seen from the percentage distribution, only very few children are supposedly highly gifted.