Common Cold: Symptoms

The first symptoms of a cold are often an itching, burning or tingling sensation in the nose. Soon, a watery rhinitis and increased sneezing begin. In addition, there is often – also due to additional bacterial infections – a scratchy throat, slight difficulty swallowing, headache, cough, increased temperature to fever and general complaints such as fatigue, malaise and chills. A cold usually lasts 7-10 days. We present the most common symptoms of a cold.

Rhinitis (cold)

A cold is the most common symptom of an influenza infection. It is present in 80% of illnesses. During a cold, rhino viruses colonize the nasal mucosa. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, swollen and produces more secretion, which is initially watery and later becomes increasingly viscous and yellow-greenish. At the same time, there is a feeling of a blocked nose and increased sneezing. Relief from the common cold is provided by medicines whose active ingredients decongest the nasal mucosa (sprays, drops, gels). They are applied directly to the nasal mucosa and cause the blood vessels to contract. The decongestant nasal mucosa also clears the sinus excretory ducts. The secretion formed in the sinuses can thus drain more easily, and the risk of sinusitis is reduced. However, nasal sprays are only intended for short-term use – unless the doctor has prescribed longer use. This is because the vessels in the nasal mucosa can regulate their width independently; this ability is lost with long-term use of decongestant nasal sprays. As an alternative to nasal sprays, saline nasal drops (1 g table salt in 100 ml water) also produce the desired effect. If inflammation of the sinuses does occur, various herbal preparations can help. If the inflammation lasts longer than three days, antibiotics may be necessary. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, camphor, peppermint or chamomile are also beneficial for the respiratory tract. They are sometimes applied directly to the skin or added to hot water and inhaled. Inhaling hot steam also makes breathing easier. For colds and congested airways, the general rule is to drink plenty of fluids, at least two liters a day! This makes the mucus fluid and allows it to drain more easily. Damp cloths over the radiator provide moist, low-irritation air that is gentle on inflamed mucous membranes. In the case of acute bronchitis, cough teas help. Thyme and ribwort have a particularly antispasmodic effect. Blocked nose – what to do? Tips and home remedies

Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses).

If the common cold spreads, it becomes a sinusitis, which is also called sinusitis. It starts a few days after the cold and is noticeable by a painful feeling of pressure behind the cheekbones or eyes. The pain gets worse when you bend over, and is especially severe after standing up.


Cold viruses damage the lining of the respiratory tract, which uses cilia to provide a constant self-cleaning mechanism. Coughing is a useful protective reflex. Foreign bodies are transported out of the airways in this way. In addition, however, more mucus is formed during a cold, which is more viscous than usual. The mucus is transported away more poorly and irritates the free nerve endings in the airways. As a reaction to this, a cough develops. At the beginning of a cold, it is usually still dry, i.e. unproductive. In this case, old home remedies such as hot milk with honey or over-the-counter cough blockers such as dextromethorphan, pentoxyverine or clobutinol often help. They act on the cough center in the brain and reduce the coughing fits. Sedative cough blockers containing codeine usually require a prescription and must be prescribed by a doctor. They are used when you feel severely affected by the cough, especially at night. Extracts of medicinal plants, such as marshmallow root or Iceland moss, are also used for irritable coughs. If the cough eventually becomes more mucus-containing, i.e. “productive,” cough expectorants should be used during the day. The active ingredient acetylcysteine, for example, changes the structure of the mucus, making it less viscous and thus making it easier to clear away. Active ingredients such as ambroxol or bromhexine stimulate the production of thin mucus. Depending on the active ingredient, expectorants are available in a wide variety of dosage forms, such as juice, capsules, effervescent tablets or granules for dissolving.The latter preparations have the advantage that, in addition to the active ingredient, liquid is also consumed. Coughs can be very persistent; even weeks after the cold, the respiratory tract can still be sensitive. You should go to the doctor if the cough lasts longer than two weeks, if you become hoarse, if you have difficulty breathing or if you are struggling with pain behind the sternum. Medical advice should definitely be sought if the mucus turns yellowish or looks reddish due to blood admixtures.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the deep airways. Acute bronchitis occurs when cold viruses spread to the bronchial mucous membranes as well. Two to three days after the first sign of a cold, sufferers develop a painful, severe cough with sputum that is white to yellowish in color. This is often accompanied by fever and difficulty breathing. Heavy smokers and people with a lung condition, such as asthmatics, are particularly at risk for bronchitis. The “real” flu/influenza is also transmitted by viruses, but does not count as a cold. It starts suddenly, with high fever and severe feeling of illness. Unlike other viruses, influenza viruses very often spread to the lungs, brain or heart. Common cold: what helps against the symptoms?


Fever is an important defense mechanism of the body and should therefore be lowered only in exceptional cases. If the discomfort is unbearable, cold calf compresses push the temperature down. You should see a doctor if you have a high fever and the symptoms of the illness persist unchanged for several days. It is not advisable to take medication until the temperature reaches 39 degrees; standard medications are acetylsalicylic acid (ASA for short) and paracetamol. However, ASA should not be taken by children and adolescents with febrile illnesses because of the risk of “Reye’s syndrome,” an acute, often fatal liverbrain disease. In any case, these preparations should not be taken for long periods or in higher doses without a doctor’s recommendation.

Sore Throat

Sore throat or a scratchy throat are difficult to control with medication. Gargles contain active ingredients that counteract the growth of germs in the mouth and throat. They also moisturize the mucous membrane. Lozenges and throat sprays help to relieve the pain – for example, by using medicines with a mild anesthetic effect. These include substances such as benzocaine and lidocaine, which reduce the sensation of pain. Peppermint or sage candies or gargling with warm chamomile, tormentil or sage teas sometimes work just as well. If you have hoarseness, you should take it easy on your voice. If hoarseness lasts longer than a week or if the sore throat is particularly severe, the doctor should be consulted.

Headache and aching limbs

In the case of headaches and aching limbs, painkillers are used in the short term, which also reduce fever at the same time. Among the best-known active ingredients are paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen. Certain clues for selection are provided by the properties of the active ingredients: ASA and ibuprofen primarily have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, while paracetamol has an antipyretic and analgesic effect.