Could that be a sign of pregnancy? | Burning pain in the abdomen

Could that be a sign of pregnancy?

Some women report so-called implantation pain when the embryo implants itself in the lining of the uterus on day seven after fertilisation. The implantation pain is described as a burning pull in the abdomen, which is why this pain can also be a sign of pregnancy. However, there is no reliable data on whether a woman can really feel the implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Burning pain in the abdomen can have many causes and is therefore not considered a sure sign of pregnancy. You can find reliable pregnancy signs at Signs of Pregnancy

Could it be a bladder infection?

A burning sensation in the abdomen and especially a burning feeling when urinating are typical signs of cystitis. In addition there is the feeling of a constant urge to urinate although it is hardly possible to urinate. The cause of an inflammation of the bladder is bacteria that enter the bladder via the ureter and lead to an inflammation.

Could that be a sign of implantation?

A pulling or burning sensation in the abdomen can be a sign that a fertilised egg has settled in the lining of the uterus. During this process, the embryo docks with the lining of the uterus and penetrates the lining of the uterus, this is called implantation. At this point, however, the embryo consists of only a few cells and is hardly bigger than the head of a pin.

During this process, the cells of the mucous membrane form the placenta, which will supply the embryo with nutrients and oxygen during pregnancy. Many pregnant women report that they have experienced the process of implantation as a burning sensation in the abdomen. Descriptions for the pain range from a pulling in the abdomen to burning pain in the uterus. However, there is no scientific evidence for the presence of this implantation pain, so a burning sensation in the abdomen should not necessarily be seen as a sign of pregnancy.


Burning pain in the abdomen can occur in varying intensity. In addition, they can be either permanent or only temporary, and can be triggered or intensified by certain movements or pressure. The complaints can also be accompanied by other symptoms, which then often provide clues to the cause, for example burning sensation when urinating, which occurs with urinary tract infections.

If, in addition to abdominal pain, other symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, general fatigue or other complaints occur, a doctor should be consulted. The same applies to pain that lasts a long time, is strong, shows no tendency to improve or even gets worse. Burning in the abdomen and back can have different causes.

On the one hand it can be an irritation of muscles or nerves. Many nerves run through the pelvic floor and also move towards the back. Tension or bruising of nerves or muscles can therefore cause radiating pain.

On the other hand, the pain can also come from the internal organs. A cystitis, which is typically accompanied by a burning sensation in the abdomen and a burning sensation when urinating, can, if not treated, rise up to the kidneys. The bacteria spread further through the ureters and lead to an infection of the renal pelvis.

This is very painful for the affected patients and usually causes severe pain in the flanks. Inflammation of the renal pelvis is a serious clinical picture and must be treated as soon as possible. However, there may also be quite different causes behind the symptoms.

If the burning does not improve within a short period of time or even gets worse, a doctor should definitely be consulted to exclude serious causes for the complaints. If, in addition to the burning sensation in the lower abdomen, stomach pain also occurs, this can be an indication of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of appendicitis, for example, the pain can radiate into the abdomen. Sometimes stomach pain and nausea also occur. But the pain caused by stomach problems (e.g. stomach ulcers and gastritis) or diseases of the gall bladder can also radiate into the abdomen.