Dengue Fever: Prevention

Dengue vaccination is the most important and effective preventive measure for persons aged 9 to 45 years who have already had dengue infection and who reside in endemic areas.

To prevent dengue fever, attention must be paid to reducing risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors

  • Bite of mosquito (especially Aedes aegypti, Aedes scutelaris, and Aedes albopictus/Stegomyia albopicta/Asian tiger mosquito)Note: Tiger mosquitoes are diurnal mosquitoes and are distributed worldwide in the tropics and subtropics, as well as in temperate zones.

Prevention factors (protective factors)

  • People of Central African vote usually only mildly ill with dengue fever due to genetic factors in contrast to Europeans.

Preventive measures (protective measures)

The following measures should be implemented for individual prophylaxis:

  • Detailed medical consultation before travel.
  • Implementation of exposure prophylaxis with stay in mosquito-proof rooms during the day (especially also during the day!)/dusk/night, i.e. especially early in the morning and late in the afternoon; wearing long clothes and the use of repellents (mosquito repellent solutions) and mosquito nets.
  • Insecticides (gold standard: diethyltoluamide, DEET).
  • Control of mosquito breeding sites