Molluscum Contagiosum: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Molluscum contagiosum refers to a dell wart. This nodule-like skin condition is primarily seen in children.

What is molluscum contagiosum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a dell wart. The benign appearances occur in clustered form on the skin and also bear the names Mollusca contagiosa or Mollusca. The dell warts have a skin-colored or reddish coloring. Their size ranges from a pinhead to a pea. A typical characteristic of the Mollusca contagiosa is an indentation in its center. For this reason, the mollusks also received the name dell warts. Children and adolescents are particularly affected by the occurrence of Mollusca contagiosa. However, young adults also sometimes suffer from dell warts when they are sexually active. Mollusca contagiosa is found throughout the world, with its incidence increasing in tropical and subtropical regions.


Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) is responsible for the occurrence of dell warts. This is a DNA virus that is a member of the smallpox virus family. Just like true smallpox, the Molluscum contagiosum virus belongs to the poxviruses that are responsible for the occurrence of dangerous smallpox. Transmission of molluscum contagiosum occurs through small skin defects, making dell warts highly contagious. Infection usually occurs through direct physical contact. In children, this may be the case, for example, in kindergarten or in the swimming pool. In young adults, on the other hand, mollusca contagiosa often show up in the intimate area because they are usually transmitted during sexual intercourse. Indirect infection, such as through the use of the same towel or article of clothing, is also within the realm of possibility, but occurs much less frequently. The incubation period of the skin disease varies between two and seven weeks. Pre-existing conditions such as neurodermatitis or a weakened immune system are considered to favor the outbreak of dell warts. Other risk factors are HIV infection or the use of immunosuppressants that suppress the immune system.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Molluscum contagiosum virus infection is noticeable by the appearance of numerous dell warts in certain areas of the body. These may be on the face, neck, upper body, armpits, eyelids, and genitals. Mollusca contagiosa show up on the genitals, lower abdominal region or thighs if infection occurs through sexual intercourse. If patients also suffer from a disease of their immune system, the dell warts sometimes reach a diameter of around three centimeters. Inside the dent, which is typical for a dell wart, a sebaceous content accumulates. This contains a large number of infected cells. Some patients also suffer from itching from time to time. Redness, swelling or soreness may also occur. However, mollusca contagiosa usually does not cause pain.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

If Mollusca contagiosa is suspected, a dermatologist should be consulted. This can recognize the Dellwarzen already by their typical appearance. In the early stages, however, confusion with other diseases or complaints such as common warts, genital warts, fatty deposits on the skin or skin cysts are possible. If there is any doubt as to whether Molluscum contagiosum is actually responsible for the skin disease, there is the option of a tissue sample. This is taken from the patient and then examined microscopically in a laboratory. This makes it possible to rule out malignant skin lesions. A punch biopsy can also be performed for histological examination. This gives the physician the opportunity to detect intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies within the HE stain. Since molluscum contagiosum is a benign disease of the skin, there is usually a positive outcome. If the immune system is in order, the molluscum may regress on its own. However, if there is a disease or weakness of the immune system, it is conceivable that the molluscum spreads further to the whole skin. In the case of an extensive variety of mollusca contagiosa, medical science speaks of eczema molluscatum. In addition, the dell warts can recur at any time.


Due to molluscum contagiosum, patients suffer from warts that appear on different parts of the body. The exact symptoms and complications of this disease thus also depend very much on the affected region, so that there are not in every case restrictions in everyday life. Molluscum contagiosum can lead to discomfort and restrictions especially on the fingers or on visible areas of the skin. There is usually swelling and redness. Furthermore, the affected regions may be affected by itching and feel sore. In most cases, however, those affected do not suffer from pain. However, the symptoms themselves can lead to a feeling of shame or to further restrictions in everyday life. If necessary, certain activities are no longer possible for the affected person. Complications usually only occur, however, if the skin changes are malignant and can have a negative impact on health. With the help of surgery, the warts can usually be removed relatively easily. There are no particular complications. Also, in most cases, the life expectancy of the patient is not reduced by this disease.

When should you go to the doctor?

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin condition that most commonly occurs in children. If warts or abnormalities of the skin appearance develop, a doctor should be consulted. Since the pathogens are highly contagious, caution should also be exercised in physical contact. Other children in particular should be protected from infection. If the symptoms spread over the body of the sick child or increase in extent, a doctor is needed. Swelling, bleeding, redness of the skin and itching should be examined by a doctor. If the itching causes open wounds, sterile wound care is needed. If this cannot be provided by the child’s parents to an extensive degree, a physician should be consulted. Alternatively, there is a risk of sepsis. This increases the risk of premature death of the child. Pain, discomfort and a loss of zest for life are signs that the child’s health is impaired. A doctor is needed to ensure that there is no further deterioration in well-being. If behavioral problems, emotional problems or mood changes develop, a doctor should be consulted. If there is shame, tantrums, or a strong sense of despair, the child needs help and support. If the skin changes in adults additionally show on the genitals, a visit to the doctor is also needed.

Treatment and therapy

Not always the appearance of Mollusca contagiosum requires special treatment. Thus, in most cases, the dell warts regress on their own after some time. However, if this does not happen, therapy must take place. One treatment option is to squeeze out the mollusca. For this purpose, the doctor uses curved tweezers. Scraping with a sharp spoon is also an option. However, these methods are relatively painless. In the case of larger accumulations of warts, the patient is given a local anesthetic beforehand. Special creams are used to remove them. Furthermore, cryotherapy (icing) or removal with a carbon dioxide laser can be performed. The use of certain medications is also considered helpful. These include cantharidin, imiquimod and cimetidine. The use of a five percent potassium hydroxide solution is a proven treatment option. Surgical procedures should generally be reserved for molluscum contagiosum because of the risk of scarring. The patient can also take action himself when dell warts appear and wash his hands after touching the molluscs. He should always use his own towel for drying. It is not advisable to scratch the dell warts, as they could otherwise become infected. Likewise, shaving the affected areas must be avoided.

Outlook and prognosis

In the context of a prognosis, the prospects of cure and transmissibility must be distinguished. This is because in most cases, the dell warts regress on their own. In principle, they do not pose a danger to one’s own life. This results in a positive prognosis. However, there is a high risk of infection. The disease molluscum contagiosum is transmitted via direct skin contact.To avoid epidemic-like outbreaks, affected persons should keep their distance from healthy persons. Towels and cosmetics should also never be used together with non-infected persons. The risk of transmission is therefore very high. In practice, it is problematic that the period until complete healing takes three to twelve months. Children in particular find it difficult to leave the dell warts untouched. Adults sometimes cannot maintain sexual abstinence for such a long time. As a result, the skin symptoms are scratched open and the virus can spread. In addition, bacterial infection occurs as a complication. Incidentally, molluscum contagiosum takes a protracted course in immunocompromised individuals. In these cases, medical treatment is usually unavoidable. Overall, molluscum contagiosum thus leads to prolonged disadvantages in terms of quality of life. Restrictions are to be accepted in everyday life. However, a shortening of the life span is not to be expected.


Preventing infection with Molluscum contagiosum virus is not easy because it is considered highly contagious. Sensible preventive measures include regular hand washing and avoiding close skin contact with infected persons.


In most cases, affected persons have only a few and usually very limited measures of direct aftercare available for molluscum contagiosum. The sooner a doctor is consulted, the better is usually the further course of the disease. In the case of molluscum contagiosum, most sufferers are dependent on taking various medications that can alleviate and limit the symptoms. It is important to ensure that the medication is taken regularly and in the correct dosage. In case of side effects or uncertainties, a doctor should always be consulted first. Furthermore, the help and support of one’s own family is also important in everyday life. This can also alleviate depression and other psychological complaints. Often, during treatment, regular checks and examinations by a doctor are very important. Life expectancy is limited by molluscum contagiosum in some cases, although the further course depends very much on the manifestation and also on the exact nature of the disease.

This is what you can do yourself

Molluscum contagiosum is a benign skin disease that usually heals on its own after a few months, even without treatment. However, it is a highly contagious viral infection, so a number of things must be observed in the event of illness to prevent its further spread. For example, direct skin contact should be avoided in the case of an existing infection. Sharing towels, creams or clothing should also be avoided. The same applies to shared baths. After bathing, the water should not be used by the next person. Adults with molluscum contagiosum should refrain from sexual contact during infection. Urgent treatment of the dell warts is necessary to reduce the spread of the infection. In addition to laser and cold treatment as well as scraping with a curette by the doctor, there is also a treatment method that can be carried out by the patient or the parents of diseased children themselves. Thus, the application of a 5% potassium hydroxide solution to the mollusks has proven to be effective. This treatment can be done at home. It is recommended to apply the lye twice a day to the affected areas. This produces inflammatory reactions that eventually lead to healing of the dell warts. To prevent possible complications from additional bacterial infection, parents of affected children should take urgent care not to scratch or lever out the mollusks.