Effect | Vividrin acute eye drops


The active ingredient contained in Vividrin® Eye Drops is called Sodium Cromoglicate and is better known as Cromoglicic Acid. It works by inhibiting the release of an endogenous messenger substance that is responsible for the symptoms of the excessive reaction of the immune system typical of an allergy. Without the effects of the drug, contact of the conjunctiva of the eye with the responsible allergen such as pollen or house dust (mite faeces) via air results in the release of histamine from the so-called mast cells.

This triggers a local inflammatory reaction with which the body tries to fight the apparently dangerous particles. In the eye, this is manifested by redness, itching and increased sensitivity to light. Vividrin® Eye Drops or the cromoglicic acid they contain stabilize the envelope of special defense cells (mast cells) in the eye and thus prevent the excessive release of histamine with the consequences described above.

However, the effect can only be achieved if Vividrin® eye drops are used regularly and preventively.If there has already been a histamine release and the resulting symptoms of an allergic reaction, Vividrin® Eye Drops can only slightly relieve the symptoms. In addition, the drops only work on the eye. Symptoms such as sneezing irritation of the nose or a cold cannot be influenced by the use of Vividrin® Eye Drops.

Side effect

In the vast majority of cases, there are no side effects to be feared when using Vividrin® eye drops, even if they are used over a long period of time. Only in rare cases, i.e. less than one in 1,000 cases, are symptoms such as burning eyes, conjunctival swelling and a foreign body sensation triggered. This can also lead to increased lacrimation and a feeling of warmth around the eye.

A skin rash is also possible in rare cases. If you notice any side effects, you should stop using Vividrin® eye drops and consult your doctor. The same applies to very rare side effects, which affect less than one in 10,000 users. In individual cases, for example, after treatment with other drugs containing the same active ingredient as Vividrin® Eye Drops, hypersensitivity reactions have been reported, which can manifest themselves as shortness of breath due to narrowing of the airways. However, the triggering of this extremely rare side effect can be virtually ruled out by proper application to the eye.