Eye drops against viruses | Drugs against viruses

Eye drops against viruses

Infection of the eyes by viruses occurs mainly during infections with herpes viruses. These infections are very painful and require immediate and effective therapy. The active ingredient Trifluidin is only suitable for use against herpes infections in and around the eye.

In the form of eye drops, it inhibits viral replication. It also leads to redness of the eyes, itching and increased lacrimation. Also this medication must not be used during pregnancy or lactation or after surgical interventions on the eye.

Another drug that can be used for local application on the eye for viral infections is Ganciclovir or its prodrug Valganciclovir. It is used especially for corneal inflammation caused by herpes viruses. These active ingredients can aggressively influence blood formation and cause confusion. Moreover, they are extremely harmful to unborn children, so they should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Medicines for shingles

Shingles (herpes zoster) is the second disease that follows infection with the chickenpox virus in old age, because the chickenpox virus remains in the body after the rash in childhood and nests in cranial nerves or nerve roots of the spinal cord. If the immune system is weakened, these viruses can be reactivated and migrate along the nerves to the skin.Shingles then occurs in the area supplied by the corresponding nerves. Besides the skin, the eyes or even the brain can be affected.

The symptomatic therapy of shingles has the main goal to relieve the pain. This is achieved by taking painkillers and applying skin creams. Almost always, additional antivirals are prescribed to prevent the virus from multiplying further.

The therapy with the special drugs should be started promptly after the symptoms appear (2-5 days). Viral static medication for shingles are: Aciclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir and Brivudin. They ensure faster healing of the symptoms and reduce the risk of pain after shingles has healed. The active ingredient Brivudine is contained in the drug Zostex®.