Growth of eyebrows


The growth of eyebrows is not always equally fast. Rather, it is divided into three phases in which the speed is very different. These phases can be divided into the growth, transition and resting phases. It can take several weeks to a whole year for a completely torn out eyebrow to regain its original length.

How fast do eyebrows grow?

The growth phase (anagen phase) is characterized by the fastest hair length growth. Here, eyebrow hairs extend by about 1.1 mm per week. The speed, as well as the duration of the growth phase, is partly genetically determined.

Therefore, they can be individually very different. The transition phase (catagenic phase) is characterized by the fact that the growth is slowly stopped. The hair follicle, from which the eyebrow grows, atrophies.

At the end of this phase, the eyebrow falls out. Eyebrows grow for about 10 months before they fall out. The resting phase (telogen phase) serves mainly to form a new hair papilla. In the case of eyebrows, this can take several weeks to several months. The new hair papilla then enters the anagene phase and hair growth begins anew.

What influences eyebrow growth?

The growth of eyebrows is determined by many different factors. One of them is the genetic predisposition. Especially the speed of hair growth, but also the duration of the hair growth phase, are influenced by family.

Hormones, the body’s own messenger substances, also have an influence on hair growth. Especially growth hormones such as growth factors control cell division, which is necessary for growth. A deficiency (hypothyroidism) or excess (hyperthyroidism) of thyroid hormones, on the other hand, can restrict eyebrow growth.

This also happens when there is an excess of typically male hormones (androgens) such as dihydrotestosterone. A healthy diet is also important for optimal eyebrow growth. Especially the supply of the vitamin biotin plays an important role.

It is contained in oat flakes, milk, offal and nuts. In addition to an insufficient intake of the vitamin, medication (anticonvulsants, antibiotics) or the excessive consumption of raw eggs can also lead to a biotin deficiency. A healthy diet also includes minerals such as iron or zinc and sufficient protein.

Especially iron deficiency, which can cause anemia, has a negative effect on eyebrow growth. In addition, excessive or long-standing plucking can lead to the hair papilla being damaged too often. It then scars, and the growth of new hair can be very delayed or even stop altogether. A healthy diet is the basis of both eyebrow growth and the overall health of the body. Therefore, we recommend that you also read the following articles:

  • What role does vitamin H biotin play?
  • What does a healthy diet look like?