Headaches in the child


Headaches are generally referred to as various forms of pain in the head area. Nowadays, a distinction is made between up to 250 different types of headache. They are among the most common complaints of children and adults in Germany. Every third child of primary school age, for example, reports suffering from headaches regularly.


According to the International Headache Society, the causes of headache are divided into two major groups, primary and secondary causes. The former are also described as idiopathic causes, where the exact mechanism has not yet been uncovered by research. These include cluster headaches, migraine and tension headaches.

Among the secondary causes, which are also called symptomatic or organic, the exact cause is known. These include, for example, headaches caused by a visual defect, irritation of the meninges as a result of sunstroke or inflammation, and many others. Headaches can also be caused by intoxication with alcohol or nicotine or by medication.

Headaches in children due to growth

Growth is also often considered to be the cause of headaches in children. For example, during the growth of the teeth, pain in the jaw can occur, which radiates further and is perceived by the child as a headache. In addition, during the course of growth, postural problems can occur, such as holding the head at an angle, which can lead to tension after a while and thus cause chronic headaches in children.

Headache in the child caused by a tumor

A very rare cause of headache can be tumors in the brain. Due to their growth, these lead to a lack of space in the brain and thus cause an increase in pressure in the skull. This is especially the case with tumors of the brain stem or the posterior fossa of the skull. The perceived headaches are often described as diffuse, bilateral and slowly getting stronger (progressive) and are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other neurological deficits such as restrictions in the field of vision.