Gynecological Examination: Reasons and Procedure

What is a gynecological examination? A gynecological check-up is an important check-up. Among other things, it is used for the early detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer, but also offers advice on issues such as pregnancy, menstruation, sexuality, contraception and experiences of abuse. When is a gynecological examination carried out? Apart from this, women … Gynecological Examination: Reasons and Procedure

What questions are you asked? | The first visit to the gynaecologist

What questions are you asked? Before the actual examination, the gynaecologist will have a conversation with the patient in which the first essential questions are clarified. If desired, especially in the case of young patients or those who are particularly shy before the visit to the gynaecologist, it is also possible to have just one … What questions are you asked? | The first visit to the gynaecologist

How do I ask the question about the pill? | The first visit to the gynaecologist

How do I ask the question about the pill? Since the pill is a prescription-only drug, the question of a pill prescription is a frequent reason for visiting the gynaecologist. The reason for the desired issue of the prescription is primarily the contraception, but also the improvement of the skin condition in case of severe … How do I ask the question about the pill? | The first visit to the gynaecologist

Which CTG values are normal?

Introduction A cardiotocogram, or CTG for short, is used to measure fetal heart activity and maternal contractions. Overall, this procedure is used to monitor late pregnancy or the birth itself. The heart activity of the unborn child is measured using Doppler ultrasound and recorded as a heart rate. The mother’s contractions are measured using a … Which CTG values are normal?

Heart Sounds | Which CTG values are normal?

Heart Sounds With the help of the child’s heart sounds, the heart rate of the unborn child can be determined during a cardiotocogram (CTG). This is done technically using a Doppler ultrasound, from which a signal is emitted and the time is measured until the signal is reflected by the child’s heart and reaches the … Heart Sounds | Which CTG values are normal?

In labor pains | Which CTG values are normal?

In labor pains Synchronous to the mother’s contractions, decelerations or dips in the child’s heart rate can occur. Physically, this can be explained by the fact that during a contraction, the mother’s abdomen is compressed so that the blood supply and thus the oxygen supply to the child is temporarily cut off. If the contraction … In labor pains | Which CTG values are normal?

Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Definition – What is a glucose tolerance test? The oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) is a test that checks the body’s glucose processing. Elevated blood sugar levels in this test indicate a glucose tolerance disorder or even diabetes mellitus. The oral glucose tolerance test is performed as part of prenatal care between the 24th and … Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Can you do it yourself? | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Can you do it yourself? There are already attempts to develop such a test for home use. So far the glucose tolerance test can be accomplished however only with the physician. This is due to the fact that an exact execution with the correct quantity of sugar and an exact keeping of the time intervals … Can you do it yourself? | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Duration | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy

Duration The costs for the glucose tolerance test are about 20 Euro. However, the costs are covered by the health insurance company in the context of preventive medical checkups for pregnant women. Does the health insurance pay for it? The costs of the glucose tolerance test during pregnancy have been covered by health insurance companies … Duration | Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy


In medicine, amniocentesis is called amniocentesis and is an examination of the fluid surrounding the baby in the uterus. This examination of the amniotic fluid gives women the opportunity to find out even before birth whether their child is sick, for example, or whether there is a blood group incompatibility between mother and child. The … Amniocentesis


Synonyms in a broader sense Digital mammography, magnetic resonance mammography, galactography, mammography screening Introduction Mammography is a so-called imaging procedure. Usually an X-ray image of the breast is taken in two planes (from two different directions). For this purpose, each breast is squeezed one after the other between two Plexiglas plates for a few seconds. … Mammography