
Products Netilmicin is no longer available in many countries. Netromycin is out of commerce. Effects Netilmicin (ATC J01GB07) is bactericidal. Indications Bacterial infectious diseases


Products Paromomycin is commercially available in the form of capsules (Humatin). It has been approved in many countries since 1961. Indications Precoma (clouding of consciousness preceding coma) and coma hepaticum (hepatic coma). Prophylaxis of hepatogenic encephalopathies. Reduction of intestinal flora before surgery Taeniasis (tapeworm) Intestinal amoebiasis


Products Amikacin is commercially available as a solution for injection (Amikin). It has been approved in many countries since 1976. Structure and properties Amikacin (C22H43N5O13, Mr = 585.6 g/mol) is semisynthetically prepared from kanamycin A. It is found in drugs as amikacin sulfate, a white powder that is readily soluble in water. Effects Amikacin (ATC … Amikacin


Products Streptomycin is found exclusively in veterinary drugs in many countries; no human drugs are now registered. The injectables Servistrep and streptothenate are off the market. Specialty retailers can order the substance from Hänseler AG, for example. Structure and properties Streptomycin (C21H39N7O12, Mr = 581.6 g/mol) is obtained from certain strains of or produced by … Streptomycin


Products Neomycin is found in several topical medications, including eye drops, eye ointments, ear drops, creams, and ointments. These are usually combination preparations. Neomycin is often combined with bacitracin, as the latter is only effective against gram-positive bacteria. Neomycin was discovered in the 1940s in Selman Waksman’s group at Rutgers University, which identified numerous antibiotics … Neomycin

Tobramycin (Inhalation)

Products Tobramycin is commercially available as an inhalation solution and as a powder for inhalation (TOBI, TOBI Podhaler, generic). See also Tobramycin (administration as infusion). Structure and properties Tobramycin (C18H37N5O9, Mr = 467.51 g/mol) exists as a white powder that is readily soluble in water. It is obtained from or can be prepared by other … Tobramycin (Inhalation)


Products Tobramycin is commercially available as a solution for injection, solution for inhalation, and in the form of eye drops, eye gel, and eye ointment. This article refers to the solution for injection (Obracin), which has been approved in many countries since 1974. See also tobramycin inhalation and tobramycin eye drops. Structure and properties Tobramycin … Tobramycin


Products Gentamicin is found in creams, ointments, eye drops, eye ointments, and ear drops, among other products. It can also be administered parenterally. This article refers primarily to topical administration. Structure and properties Gentamicin is usually present in drugs as gentamicin sulfate, a mixture of sulfates of antimicrobially active substances formed by the bacterium. The … Gentamicin