Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis

Introduction Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Such an inflammation can be viral or bacterial and is often accompanied by rhinitis (runny nose) or pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat). The inflammation is classified according to its location, course and origin, and thus distinguished. If all paranasal … Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis

What to do if the antibiotic does not help? | Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis

What to do if the antibiotic does not help? In case of an acute sinusitis, an antibiotic, if it works well, should shorten the duration of the disease by 2 to 3 days on average. The symptoms should improve after 1 to 2 days under antibiotics. If this is not the case, you should see … What to do if the antibiotic does not help? | Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis

What is the risk of infection in case of sinusitis with antibiotics? | Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis

What is the risk of infection in case of sinusitis with antibiotics? As a rule, the risk of infection decreases from about the third day of taking the antibiotic. However, it is difficult to give an exact time. The antibiotic must be taken nevertheless up to the end, since only then the killing of all … What is the risk of infection in case of sinusitis with antibiotics? | Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis