How can I tell the difference between migraine and tension headaches? | Tension headaches

How can I tell the difference between migraine and tension headaches? Tension headaches are usually much less severe than migraine headaches. They occur on both sides and affect the entire head after a short time. Patients report a dull and oppressive feeling of pain. An accompanying symptomatology during the headache is rare. A few patients … How can I tell the difference between migraine and tension headaches? | Tension headaches

Back headaches

Introduction Almost everyone has had headaches at some point in their lives. These can vary in severity and can occur in different parts of the head. The experience of headaches is strongly influenced by the person affected, which is why over 250 types of headaches have now been medically defined. In the majority of cases, … Back headaches

Back headache leftBack headache right | Back headaches

Back headache leftBack headache right Unilateral occipital pain can give an indication of the localization of the cause.A special division between right and left is not possible because the anatomical structures are symmetrical. In the case of unilateral occipital pain, it is first necessary to find out what causes the pain. Different types of headache … Back headache leftBack headache right | Back headaches


Synonyms in a broader sense migraine attack, seizure-like headache, hemicrania, hemicrania, unilateral headache, migraine attack, unilateral headache Definition Migraine is usually a pulsating headache that occurs in attacks and has a hemiplegic character. The pain usually begins on one side of the forehead, temple and eye. In almost all cases the headache attack is preceded … Migraine

Risk factors | Migraine

Risk factors As a risk factor, which are considered to favour the development of migraine: Symptoms Typical symptoms of migraine are: Hemiplegic headache Abdominal pain and nausea (80%) Vomiting (40%) Frequent start in the morning Duration several hours to days Pain character pulsating knocking Increase in complaints under stress Aura before the onset of migraine … Risk factors | Migraine

Nausea | Headaches behind the eye

Nausea The combined occurrence of nausea and severe headaches is always suspected to be a migraine, which is usually accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound. The therapy of migraine attacks therefore often includes not only painkillers but also anti-nausea preparations such as Vomex or MCP, which should be taken before the painkillers. In addition … Nausea | Headaches behind the eye

Duration | Headaches behind the eye

Duration The duration of the headache also depends on the underlying cause. Cluster headaches, for example, only last up to 3 hours, whereas migraines can last up to 3 days. Both diseases are peculiar in that they occur more frequently. The frequency and triggers are individually very different. Headaches due to sinusitis usually continue until … Duration | Headaches behind the eye

Headaches behind the eye

What are headaches behind the eye? Headaches that occur behind the eye can be very painful and can be a great strain for those affected. Especially if the pain occurs very frequently or is very severe, a medical consultation should be performed to rule out possible serious diseases and avoid their effects. Depending on the … Headaches behind the eye