Cluster headache

Definition Synonyms: Bing-Horton syndrome, Bing-Horton neuralgia, erythroposopalgia, lightning headache: cluster headache. Cluster headache is a form of recurrent headache. It occurs unilaterally, usually in the eye-forehead- sleep area, and has some features that are different from other forms of headache: Symptoms Cluster headache is characterised by an accumulation of very severe painful episodes over 1-2 … Cluster headache

Therapy | Cluster headache

Therapy In the case of a seizure, patients are supplied with high doses of oxygen via a face mask for a period of about 10 minutes. The administration of an ergotamine preparation as an injection under the skin or as a nasal spray can also prove helpful, and a lidocaine nasal spray can also be … Therapy | Cluster headache

Forecast | Cluster headache

Forecast Often the disease is chronic and no causal therapy is possible. In rare cases, however, the disease comes to a spontaneous standstill. Cluster headache is still under investigation because not all questions regarding its development and treatment options have been clarified. At this stage, cluster headache cannot be cured, but it is possible to … Forecast | Cluster headache

Headaches in the forehead area

Introduction Headache in the forehead is a symptom that is caused by irritation of pain-sensitive structures in the head, such as the meninges, cranial nerves or blood vessels. Headaches in the forehead are usually an expression of overload or stress and do not require any special therapy. In some cases, however, forehead headaches may be … Headaches in the forehead area

Therapy | Headaches in the forehead area

Therapy Various conservative, and more rarely surgical, procedures are used to treat headaches in the forehead. An important part of conservative therapy involves avoiding so-called trigger factors, i.e. factors that can trigger or aggravate forehead pain in the affected person. Typical trigger factors for forehead pain are stress, lack of sleep, stimulants such as nicotine … Therapy | Headaches in the forehead area

Tension headaches

Definition Tension headache is the most common form of headache. It can be roughly distinguished from cluster headache, migraine headache and drug-induced headache. In about 90% of people, tension headache occurs during the course of life – women are slightly more frequently affected. It is predominantly a dull, oppressive pain in the forehead (often in … Tension headaches

Diagnosis of tension headaches | Tension headaches

Diagnosis of tension headaches Tension headache is diagnosed to the exclusion of the other types of headache (cluster headache, migraine headache, drug-induced headache) In addition, in rare cases, depending on the patient’s symptoms (neurological abnormalities? ), clarification of brain tumors and meningitis is urgently required. The individual types of headache can be distinguished by their … Diagnosis of tension headaches | Tension headaches

How long do tension headaches last? | Tension headaches

How long do tension headaches last? The duration of tension headache differs fundamentally depending on the type of headache (episodic-chronic). In addition, there are marked differences between patients. One speaks of episodic tension headache when the headache lasts less than 14 days a month for a period of three months. Usually, the headache subsides within … How long do tension headaches last? | Tension headaches