Active ingredient and effect of Femibion® | Femibion®

Active ingredient and effect of Femibion® Femibion® is a combination of various dietary supplements. The main component of Femibion® is folic acid in all phases. Adults take on average about 200 micrograms of folic acid per day. During pregnancy, however, a folic acid intake of 800 micrograms is recommended. Femibion® contains 800 micrograms. This prevents … Active ingredient and effect of Femibion® | Femibion®

Interactions of Femibion® | Femibion®

Interactions of Femibion® With antiepileptic drugs, folic acid can increase the probability of seizures. With certain cancer drugs, Femibion® and the drugs can cancel each other out. Taking fluoruracil, another cancer drug, can lead to severe diarrhea. Chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, can inhibit the effect of Femibion®. Taking Femibion® and lithium at the same time … Interactions of Femibion® | Femibion®

What is the price of Femibion®? | Femibion®

What is the price of Femibion®? Femibion® is sold in different package sizes, which also influences the purchase price. The 30-day package costs about 18 euros for all variants, i.e. the fertility phase, early pregnancy and late pregnancy. Larger packing units are somewhat cheaper. Femibion® is a dietary supplement which is available over the counter … What is the price of Femibion®? | Femibion®