Neck pain with headache

Definition Neck pain and headaches are often associated with each other and can influence each other. The first trigger is usually a painful tension in the neck muscles. This results in a restriction of movement of the head, which is ultimately perceived as neck pain with headache. In most cases, the diagnosis is a cervical … Neck pain with headache

Release tensions through strength training | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Release tensions through strength training The neck muscles are constantly stressed in everyday life: At work, during leisure activities, but also during any head movement. Therefore, the neck muscles are particularly susceptible to tension due to incorrect posture or overstraining of various kinds. With the help of strength training, it is possible to train the … Release tensions through strength training | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Release tensions with household remedies | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Release tensions with household remedies For the treatment of neck tensions, it is not necessary to take medication directly. Rather, one should first use the good old household remedies. A heat therapy is particularly effective. In addition concerning can put themselves for example a warming Kirschkernkissen into the neck or take however a hot shower … Release tensions with household remedies | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Relieve tensions through osteopathy | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Relieve tensions through osteopathy Osteopathy as an independent medical science follows the principle that faulty regulation, for example in the form of neck tension, can be compensated by the body itself. With the help of various mobilization exercises by an osteopath, neck tensions can be relieved very easily. These exercises are all performed manually, i.e. … Relieve tensions through osteopathy | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Release tensions through progressive muscle relaxation | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Release tensions through progressive muscle relaxation The nowadays widespread and much used training for progressive muscle relaxation according to Edmund Jacobsen can also be helpful in case of neck tension to solve the complaints. The aim is to achieve awareness of one’s own muscle tone, i.e. the degree of muscle tension, through controlled and deliberate … Release tensions through progressive muscle relaxation | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Does magnesium help? | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Does magnesium help? One of the purposes of magnesium is to provide energy (in the form of ATP) for the work of the muscles. Only in this way can the muscles be tensed and relaxed without problems. Otherwise, it can lead to cramps and tensions. Normally, magnesium is sufficiently absorbed through diet. Whole grain products, … Does magnesium help? | What is the best way to release neck tensions?

Relax the neck

How is a tense neck treated? If you suffer from tension in the neck muscles, you should first find out why these problems occur. Basically, the cause should be eliminated before starting treatment. If the tension is caused by a one-sided posture, e.g. sitting for too long, you should make sure to change your sitting … Relax the neck