Broken wrist

Anatomy of the wrist The term “wrist” is the collective term for 2 separate joints. These are the proximal wrist (i.e. near the middle of the body) and the distal wrist. The proximal wrist is also called “Articulatio radiocarpalis” and is composed of the bone of the forearm, the so-called radius (lat. Radius), and the … Broken wrist

Symptoms | Broken wrist

Symptoms Classical symptoms of a broken wrist are pressure pain with the following swelling and pain radiation. As a rule, the classic fracture signs are recognizable. In addition to dislocation, i.e. shifting, these include step formation, soft tissue damage, abnormal mobility and the presence of crepitations (“crunching noise” in the fracture area). Of course, the … Symptoms | Broken wrist

Duration | Broken wrist

Duration With conservative therapy, the cast should be worn for 4-6 weeks. During this time it is important to move thumb and fingers so that the musculature is not completely broken down despite the immobilization, but also to promote the blood circulation. In addition, regular checks must be made to ensure that sensitivity as well … Duration | Broken wrist

Olecranon fracture

Definition The olecranon is the upper (proximal) end of the ulna. It represents the starting point of the triceps brachii muscle. The olecranon is part of the elbow joint and articulates here with the joint roll of the humerus (trochlea humeri). The elbow joint (Articulatio cubiti) is a compound joint consisting of three parts. The … Olecranon fracture

Treatment | Olecranon fracture

Treatment The treatment of an olecranon fracture is in most cases surgical. Only in the case of non-displaced (non-dislocated) fractures in children can the fracture be treated conservatively, as their bones have another healing ability. In this case, the fracture is immobilised with a Gilchrist or Desault dressing. Immobilization ensures that the bone parts grow … Treatment | Olecranon fracture

Duration of the healing process | External ankle fracture

Duration of the healing process The time required for an external ankle fracture to heal depends largely on its severity and the resulting therapeutic method. In principle, a distinction is made between operative and non-operative, i.e. conservative, therapy. Non-surgical therapy begins immediately after the injuring trauma and one of its most important components is the … Duration of the healing process | External ankle fracture

Summary | Healing time of an external ankle fracture

Summary Regardless of the fracture type, external ankle fractures have a very good prognosis. After approx. 2 months, normal, moderate strain on the affected leg is possible again, and after 6 months at the latest, sports such as running or football can be practiced again. Complications occur only rarely with both conservative and surgical therapy. … Summary | Healing time of an external ankle fracture