Prognosis | Forearm fracture

Prognosis Forearm fractures usually heal without complications within 6-8 weeks. The arm can then be fully loaded again. The situation is more critical in patients suffering from osteoporosis. In this disease, which affects bone remodeling, the bone becomes increasingly porous, which favors renewed breaking or loosening of screws and plates. Special caution is required in … Prognosis | Forearm fracture

Vertebral fracture

Synonyms Vertebral fracture, vertebral body fracture, fracture of the vertebral body, compression fracture, compression fracture, flexion fracture, burst fracture, dislocation fracture, spinous process fracture, transverse process fracture, fracture of the vertebral body, fracture of the vertebra Definition vertebral fracture A vertebral fracture is a fracture of a vertebra of the spine. In most cases, it … Vertebral fracture

Therapy | Vertebral fracture

Therapy Depending on its extent, a fractured vertebra can be a difficult situation. If several vertebral bodies are fractured, the spine may be unstable and there is a risk that parts of the vertebral body will splinter off and possibly injure the spinal cord. Therefore a quick treatment is necessary. The first therapeutic measures include … Therapy | Vertebral fracture

Prognosis of vertebral fracture | Vertebral fracture

Prognosis of vertebral fracture A vertebral fracture leads to a permanent change in the vertebral body and thus also in its function. In contrast to other bones, bone that has once been immersed cannot straighten up again. Whether problems develop from this is practically impossible to predict. A resulting healing in malformation can permanently overload … Prognosis of vertebral fracture | Vertebral fracture

Consequences of the vertebral fracture | Vertebral fracture

Consequences of the vertebral fracture The consequences of a vertebral fracture can be very different for those affected. They depend on the type of fracture, the cause and the general condition of the patient. Stable fractures can usually be treated conservatively, i.e. without surgical intervention. These can also be very symptom-free. For example, the pain … Consequences of the vertebral fracture | Vertebral fracture

Volkmann Triangle

Definition The Volkmann triangle denotes a splitting off of the bone in the area of the ankle joint. The fracture results in an injury to the lower end of the tibia bone. Due to the special anatomy of the ankle joint, a bone triangle can be blown off at the front edge as well as … Volkmann Triangle

Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle | Volkmann Triangle

Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle In the diagnostic ladder one usually starts with an anamnesis, in which the course of the accident is asked by the doctor. This is followed by a physical examination of the ankle. Here, movement restrictions and instability in the ankle may be noticed. Afterwards, imaging is usually carried out using … Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle | Volkmann Triangle

X-ray image of the lumbar spine | Vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis

X-ray image of the lumbar spine On the left the original x-ray image, on the right the image with the vertebral body red traced. X-ray image with vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis On the left, the original X-ray image with vertebral body fracture, on the right, the image with the vertebral body traced in red. … X-ray image of the lumbar spine | Vertebral body fracture in osteoporosis

Therapy | Lower leg fracture

Therapy A lower leg fracture is usually, with a few exceptions, treated surgically. The conservative, non-surgical treatment after a lower leg fracture is accompanied by some serious potential complications, so that this type of therapy can usually no longer be recommended. Thromboses, joint immobility, malalignment and slow healing are only a few of the possible … Therapy | Lower leg fracture