Broken ankle joint

Synonyms in a broader sense Ankle fracture, fracture of the outer ankle, fractured ankle The most common accident-related illness of the OSG ́s is the fracture of the outer ankle, often in combination with a fracture of the tibia (tibia –> Volkmann triangle). You can find extensive information on this topic under Fracture of the … Broken ankle joint

Rib fracture treatment

Introduction A rib fracture (rib fracture) is the fracture of the bony or cartilaginous part of a rib. The most common cause of rib fractures is massive violence, mainly due to trauma to the thorax (trauma of the ribcage). If a rib fracture occurs spontaneously or as a result of a very minor violent impact … Rib fracture treatment

Supporting physiotherapy | Radial head fracture

Supporting physiotherapy After a radial head fracture, it is important to relearn the function of the elbow. Physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed for this purpose. Especially in conservative therapy, the focus is on early functional therapy. Here, gentle, adapted movement exercises are started after only about 7 days.After an operation, physiotherapy is also used for rehabilitation, … Supporting physiotherapy | Radial head fracture

Compensation for pain and suffering | Radial head fracture

Compensation for pain and suffering Whether a patient is entitled to compensation for pain and suffering following a fracture of the radial head is a decision made on a case-by-case basis. In determining the possible compensation for pain and suffering, the long-term functional limitations and permanent damage that a patient suffers as a result of … Compensation for pain and suffering | Radial head fracture

Radial head fracture

Introduction A radial head fracture is a fracture of the bone at the upper end of the radius of the forearm. It accounts for about 3% of all bony injuries in the population and usually occurs during falls. Depending on the extent of the injury, different forms are described, which can be treated in different … Radial head fracture