Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Physical dependence The development of a physical (physical) dependency is rather rare, even with frequent smoking. Usually the psychological symptoms such as anxiety or a depressive mood after stopping the drug dominate. A physical dependence becomes apparent to the same extent as it occurs through smoking, only in the case of withdrawal. In addition to … Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal? Withdrawal from smoking occurs when the body has already become accustomed to the substance, i.e. when a dependency has developed. This happens mainly through regular consumption and can be intensified by excessive dosage. The body and psyche react during withdrawal to the absence of the compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in cannabis, … What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Does regular smoking make stupid? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Does regular smoking make stupid? Smoking has a negative effect on cognitive performance, i.e. on thinking, attention, memory and perception. These limitations are already noticeable a short time after consumption. They are part of the state of intoxication. If a lot of cannabis is consumed over a longer period of time, the deficits can persist … Does regular smoking make stupid? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What are the phases of lovesickness? | What happens in case of lovesickness?

What are the phases of lovesickness? The phases of lovesickness are not uniformly defined, since it is not a recognized clinical picture. However, similar classifications can be found in the literature and in descriptions by experts, who classify lovesickness into 4-5 phases: The first of these phases begins even before the separation with a certain … What are the phases of lovesickness? | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Suicide as a result of lovesickness After the out of an affair, the same emotions and neurobiological processes occur as at the end of a relationship, because the body and subconscious mind do not pay attention to which separation is logical or reasonable, but only to whether one had feelings for a person or not. … Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers Children in early childhood, i.e. between the ages of two and three, also frequently show twitching when falling asleep. The reasons for this, as with adults, are not conclusively clarified. However, it is probable that the transition from waking to sleeping is the reason for the involuntarily occurring twitches. … Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers | Twitching when falling asleep

Are twitches dangerous when falling asleep? | Twitching when falling asleep

Are twitches dangerous when falling asleep? No! A twitching of the muscles when falling asleep is absolutely harmless in most cases. However, if the twitching also occurs several times during the day or in the course of the night, it is worth visiting your family doctor. The doctor will be able to rule out most … Are twitches dangerous when falling asleep? | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep during pregnancy | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep during pregnancy Pregnancy has an influence on the most diverse processes and metabolic procedures in the body. Twitching, which occurs intensified or even exclusively during pregnancy, is relatively common. In addition to the twitching that can occur in many people during the phase of falling asleep and which is considered harmless, … Twitching when falling asleep during pregnancy | Twitching when falling asleep