Heat application | Physiotherapy for migraine

Heat application

As already mentioned, migraine causes increased tone in the shoulder-neck musculature. In this area the metabolism is activated by the heat. This stimulates the blood circulation and reduces the tone.

In addition, the sympathetic nervous system can be dampened in the area of the BWS by the warmth and the general vegetativum improves. The advantage of the application of heat is that it is done at any time and not too much. In the area of the head heat should be avoided.If one cause of migraine is a lymphatic drainage disorder, this can be intensified by heat and thus trigger a migraine.

Symptoms of migraine

The symptoms of a migraine attack can be divided into 3 different phases. These can, but do not have to occur during a migraine attack. In the prodromal phase (the phase in which the migraine announces itself), those affected can suffer from mood swings, attacks of ravenous appetite, concentration disorders and indifference.

This is followed by the phase of perceptual disorders (aura), in which visual disturbances, sensitivity to light and noise, paralysis, and speech and orientation disorders can occur. During the subsequent migraine attack, the affected person usually has strong pulsating pain limited to one side of the head, especially in the temple, forehead and eye area. This can be accompanied by nausea and dizziness. The symptoms usually worsen with movement, light and noise and last from 4 hours to 3 days.

Causes of migraine

At this time, the exact causes of migraine are unknown. Researchers assume that migraine is caused by a disturbance in the messenger substance balance of the brain. Genetic factors are also thought to play a role.

The pain triggering cause of migraine is ultimately a circulatory disorder in the brain due to a shift in the peripheral (in the body) and central (in the brain) serotonin levels. The exact causes (triggers) that ultimately trigger a migraine attack also vary from person to person. Common migraine-triggering factors include stress, lack of sleep and lack of fluids. Persistent headaches can also be the result of incorrect posture. Persistent headaches can also be the result of malpositioning.