Migraine during pregnancy | Physiotherapy for migraine

Migraine during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the number of migraine attacks improves for many patients suffering from migraine. This is probably due to a change in the hormone balance during pregnancy. If a migraine attack does occur in spite of this, there are various ways to treat it.

Since the intake of medication is extremely limited due to pregnancy and is mainly reduced to paracetamol and possibly ibuprofen, those affected must take alternative migraine treatments. These include retreating to a quiet, darkened room, massages, relaxation exercises, autogenic training and avoiding the individual triggers (such as stress, certain foods, loud noise, etc. ).


Overall, physiotherapy plays a major role, especially in migraine prophylaxis. However, it can also help to alleviate the patient’s pain during an acute migraine attack. Especially the relaxing effect has a great influence.

During the therapy, the patients gain a better body awareness and can thus contribute to the prevention of migraine themselves and fight the pain in acute cases. During migraine therapy, an experienced physiotherapist will develop a therapy plan tailored to the patient.