
Veratrum album Brechwurz, Germander, Lousewort, White helleboreThe plant hellebore can grow up to 1 m high. It can be recognized by its short and thick, branched root. The leaves are large, broad, elongated.

Small, greenish-white flowers sit in clusters on panicles on the upper part of the stem of the hellebore. Flowering time: July to August Occurrence: Mountainous, in the Alps up to 2000 m altitude on humid meadows. Only the root is used to extract the medically effective parts of the hellebore.

Alkaloids, very poisonous! In folk medicine, the hellebore was often used, especially in the mountains, perhaps even today. It is used for example in very small doses.

It is not recommended to use it because hellebore can cause poisoning even in very small amounts and is fatal in larger quantities.

  • Depressions
  • Rheumatism
  • Sciatica complaints

Veratrum album (extracted from the hellebore) is a well-known remedy in homeopathy and is available only on prescription up to D3! Veratrum album is prescribed to patients who have a tendency to need Veratrum album and suffer from a feeling of cold throughout the body.

Improvement of the symptoms is achieved by warmth, hot pads and by lying down at rest. The most common potentiation is D4, D6 and D12. The plant is very poisonous and should not be used by laymen.

  • Circulatory collapse in connection with infectious diseases
  • Diarrhea with vomiting
  • Cholera
  • Heart failure with palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold sweat/cold skin