Homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure

Just as with medicine, homeopathic remedies are also divided into remedies for so-called essential hypertension with unknown cause on the one hand and secondary hypertension with known cause on the other. The homeopathic remedy is found after an intensive questioning (anamnesis) of the patient. Homeopathic remedies can be used concomitantly, after consultation with the physician. They do not replace therapy with prescribed drugs.

Basic remedy for essential high blood pressure

For essential blood pressure there are some homeopathic remedies that can support drug therapy:

  • Garlic (Allium sativum): An important remedy for calcified vessels and high blood pressure. Especially for people with feeling of fullness after eating, burning and heaviness in the stomach, belching, heartburn, also constipation. Usually the remedy is used in the D3 to D6 (degree of dilution).
  • Hawthorn (Crataegus): Patients suffer from heart restlessness, dizziness, headaches, insomnia.

    If attacks of tightness of chest, pain and shortness of breath occur, Crataegus can only be used as a preventive measure, improving the blood circulation in the heart and reducing the risk of attacks. Most common potency D3 to D6.

  • Silver nitrate (Argentum nitricum): Emaciated people, gray, prematurely aged, hasty, impatient. Restlessness, dizziness.

    Anxious basic attitude, fear of exams, confined spaces, also of everyday situations. Great fear of illness and death. Plagued by extreme flatulence, piercing headaches in the forehead area, stomach aches are relieved by counter-pressure.

    The patients report word finding disorders. Desire for sweet food, which is poorly tolerated. Usually D4 to D6.

    Prescription up to D3!

  • Nux vomica: Irritable, overworked people with sedentary lifestyles, overworked city dwellers Quick-tempered, can’t stand contradiction, everything is tense, dullness and confusion in the head. Irritant misuse (alcohol, nicotine in the evening, lots of food). In the morning tiredness, headaches, nausea.

    All complaints improve with rest, are worse in the morning, after eating. Usually D4 to D12. Prescription until D3!

  • Yellow phosphorus (Phosphorus): Great hyperexcitability, you cannot rest, sit or stand for a moment.

    Frightened people who tend to depression. They always feel a burden on their chest and around their heart. Pulsating headache, dizziness with fainting.

    Palpitations are aggravated by lying on your left side. Sometimes pain radiating into the left arm. The symptoms worsen in the evening and at night and in cold weather.

    Improvement by rest and sleep. Commonly D6 to D12. Prescription only up to and including D3!

  • Mistletoe (Viscum album): Pulsating headache, palpitations, pressure on the chest.

    Tends to inner restlessness, blood rush to the head, red face. The symptoms worsen in the evening and at night and in a warm room. Better by moderate exercise in the fresh air.

    Usually D4 to D12.

  • Nitroglycerin (Glonoinum): People with a bright red face, extremely irritable and quick-tempered. As a result, blood rushes to the head, blood pressure rises. Hammering headache, worse when bending the head back. All complaints worse due to heat and alcohol, better in fresh air. Usually D4 to D6.