After awakening from anesthesia, if the patient suffers from nausea
Patients with reduced liver function may experience prolonged nausea after awakening from anesthesia. Nux vomica/Brechnuss can be used for
- People with hectic lifestyles
- Irritant abuse in the evening before bedtime
- Morning nausea and vomiting
- Feeling of fullness, flatulence after eating
- Liver swelling and tension pain in the liver area after too much alcohol
- Poor sleep, early awakening, often tiredness and headaches
- Patients with effervescent temperament
- Aggravation of the symptoms early in the morning, due to too much food and irritants
The remedy is particularly suitable when: The remedy is available only on prescription at D3.
- Already the smell of food causes vomiting
- Additional stomach pain exists
- Great weakness, dry mucous membranes in the mouth, a lot of thirst
- Aggravate the symptoms through food odor, touch, cold or movement and improve through warmth and rest
As soon as a feeling of shattering occurs in all limbs, treatment with arnica can be started after nux vomica or colchicum.
Rhus toxicodendronGiftsumach can be used in patients who experience a great deal of restlessness after surgery. The triggers are back pain, especially in the lumbar region, and neck stiffness at rest and when lying down for long periods. The patient wants to change his or her position and has a considerable need for movement. He is anxious and can appear confused. All complaints become worse when the patient is at rest, and the pain improves with movement.
After cranial surgery
The remedy has general relation to skull and brain. The patients for whom the remedy is suitable are nervously excited, later also apathetic, dizzy. They have a general tendency to circulatory weakness. They suffer from salivation, nausea and vomiting.
Avoidance of post-operative bleeding
PhosphorusYellow Phosphorus can be used when Typical for the patients to whom Phosphorus can be used is the burning character of all pain and the general tendency to bleed, as well as the aggravation of the symptomsa in the evening, at night and by cold. Moreover, the patients are very restless, cannot sit or stand still for a moment, do not want to be alone, are afraid of it. PhosphorusYellow Phosphorus is available on prescription up to and including D3.
- Already before the operation there is an increased tendency to bleed
- Even small wounds bleed heavily
- Always some blood is added when cleaning the nose
- Gum bleeding often occurs
- Bruises occur with minor impacts
- For patients who are nervously excitable, anxious and jumpy
Crotalus horridusWald-Rattle Snake is suitable for patients who: show
- Always an increased bleeding tendency
- Inflammation of the veins and thrombosis
- Tendency to circulatory weakness with collapse
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