Homeopathy for toothache

Homeopathic medicines can be used as additional support to relieve pain, especially when it suddenly occurs at night, but also to support the healing of minor wounds in the mouth or after dental treatment. Even teething babies can be helped with homeopathy. It must be emphasized that homeopathic remedies are only used as an adjunct. If the complaints last longer than one day, the visit to the dentist must follow! In the following, the most important homeopathic remedies for toothache are summarized.


Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of Aconitum: Tablets D4, D6

  • Pulsating toothache
  • Sudden beginning
  • Mostly at night with great anxiety and fear
  • Dry mucous membrane in the mouth, much thirst
  • Palpitations
  • Trigger often cold, dry east wind
  • Aggravation of the complaints in the evening, at night and in the heat


Approximately 4 days before the procedure Arnica D12 twice a day 5 to 8 drops or 1 tablet under the tongue.

  • Dragging or dull pain
  • Arnica prevents infections, reduces wound pain and the risk of postoperative bleeding before all surgical procedures, including tooth extractions
  • Injuries of the gums
  • Swollen cheek
  • Complaints


Prescription only for D3! Typical is the sudden appearance and subsidence of the symptoms.

  • Sudden, throbbing pain
  • The affected cheek side may be reddened and swollen
  • Red head, bright red, dry oral mucosa
  • Desire for cold drinks, although they already increase the pain in small sips
  • The general condition is impaired
  • Aggravation of pain due to cold, draught, excitement and any stronger sensory impressions


Prescription only up to and including D3! General dosage of Colocynthis: drops of D4

  • Sudden and very severe shooting pain, preferably on the left side, radiating to temple and ear
  • Tendency to restlessness and irritability
  • Improvement of complaints in the fresh, cool air, peace and local warmth
  • Aggravation of the complaints in the evening and by touch