Homeopathy | Vagina inflammation


Homeopathic remedies can also be used to support conservative therapy for vaginal mycosis. It should be noted that there is no proven scientific effect of homeopathic remedies and they should not be used as the sole therapy! In case of severe itching and discharge, sitz baths with oak bark, witch hazel or black tea are recommended.

For the same symptoms, Sodium muriaticum C15 or Creosotum C15 can also be used as a supporting treatment. In case of a rather dry vagina with hot, pulsating pain, Belladonna D12 is also referred. Other possible globule preparations are Lilium tigrinum D12, Borax D12 or Pulsatilla D12. Each preparation is specific for a constellation of symptoms that can be traced in the corresponding literature.


The duration of a vaginal inflammation depends on the pathogen causing it and the severity of the disease. If the vagina inflammation is detected early and consistently treated, a significant improvement should be noticeable after a few days. It is important to note that prescribed ointments and irrigation should continue to be used for a few days after the end of the symptoms to prevent a relapse.

If antibiotic therapy is prescribed, it is important that the antibiotic is taken according to the doctor’s instructions and not discontinued on its own after the symptoms have improved. A relapse can also occur here! If the symptoms do not improve promptly, it is advisable to see the doctor again and to intensify or modify the therapy if necessary. In the course of this, the doctor will, for example, carry out a precise pathogen identification and see whether the germ is resistant to a certain therapy.

For girls/babies

Inflammation of the vagina can also occur in infants and girls. One of the reasons for this is the lack of the sex hormone estrogen, as girls do not yet reach puberty. The altered outflow of urine through the intact hymen can also promote the development of vaginal inflammation.

It is important to advise your children about appropriate vaginal hygiene at an early age.In the case of recurrent infections of the vagina or bladder, it can help if the girl adopts a “skier’s posture” when going to the toilet, i.e. the buttocks are not completely down and the upper body is slightly tilted forward. This favors the drainage of urine along the hymen. With small children, on the other hand, care should be taken to ensure that the diapers are not too tight and airtight, as a moist environment promotes bacterial growth. If you notice a sour, fishy smell or discharge in your child, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician.