Household remedy for vomiting and nausea | Home remedy against nausea

Household remedy for vomiting and nausea

Since nausea and vomiting in the brain are triggered by the same mechanism, home remedies that can be used against nausea also help against vomiting. It is important, however, to also counteract the consequences of vomiting. When vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid, electrolytes and stomach acid.

Conversely, this means that one of the most important household remedies is fluid intake. Teas, such as ginger tea, can have a calming effect on the stomach and at the same time counteract the nausea. Soups can calm the stomach and supply the body with lost electrolytes.

Avoid drinks that contain carbon dioxide as they irritate the stomach. You should also avoid very sweet drinks, as the high amount of sugar attracts water, which is then removed from the body. If the vomiting should last for several days you should consult a doctor.

Home remedy against nausea after alcohol

The nausea in hangovers is based on the poisoning of the body by alcohol. When the alcohol is broken down, acetaldehyde is produced as an intermediate product, which has a toxic effect on the body and leads to symptoms such as nausea and headaches. The breakdown of acetaldehyde can be accelerated, for example, by eating eggs with the hangover breakfast.

The eggs contain cysteine. This is an amino acid that promotes the breakdown of acetaldehyde. Alcohol also leads to a lack of fluids and the loss of important electrolytes.

It therefore makes sense to drink plenty of fluids. One should make sure that the drinks also contain the missing electrolytes. This is the case with sports drinks, for example.

Therefore, one should also avoid coffee, as coffee increases urine excretion and thus increases the lack of fluid and its consequences. In order to prevent the symptoms one should make sure to drink enough liquid and eat a balanced meal before drinking alcohol. Foods rich in fat are useful in that they can delay the absorption of alcohol.