How long can an interim prosthesis be worn? | Interim prosthesis

How long can an interim prosthesis be worn?

The interim prosthesis is intended for bridging a period of approximately up to half a year. This time is needed by the body to heal the wound caused by the tooth removal, and by the dentist to make all further arrangements for the final prosthesis. It should not be worn for longer than this period, since not fitting exactly as it should, due to incorrect loading of the teeth and the bone, can otherwise lead to damage to the healed bone and also to the clasp teeth.

How to clean an interim prosthesis?

The interim denture is taken out of the mouth during daily oral hygiene and cleaned under running water with a special denture brush or a normal toothbrush. It is worth filling the sink with some water for buffering beforehand, as the prosthesis can be damaged if it falls on the ceramic. In case of heavy soiling, normal washing-up liquid can also be used. Toothpaste should not be used because of the abrasive substances, as it can damage the denture. In addition, it should be rinsed under running water after meals to prevent food residues from getting stuck under it and causing inflammation.

What can be done if the interim denture does not fit?

The interim prosthesis is a temporary solution to replace a pulled tooth in order to restore the chewing function while waiting for the final prosthesis. It is also intended to prevent damage to the remaining teeth. A perfect fit is not the goal, but the prosthesis should not cause pain.

If the denture is too loose, the dentist can adjust the denture clasps more strongly and thus achieve better adhesion. If the prosthesis is looser after the wound of the extracted tooth has healed and is tilting there, the affected area can be relined. In any case, if the denture does not fit perfectly, the dentist should be consulted, as only he or she can judge what exactly does not fit properly on the denture.