How long do the pustule spots remain? | Pimples on the scalp

How long do the pustule spots remain?

Depending on the cause, the duration of the healing process varies greatly. The pus pimples on the scalp can mature for a few days to a few weeks until they heal. If the cause is not identified and removed, the scalp changes can occur again and again and may persist.

Pimples on the scalp of a child

In children, certain infectious childhood diseases such as chickenpox can also appear as pimples on the scalp, which must be distinguished from “normal” pus pimples on the scalp. Grass mites can also cause a kind of pus pimple on the scalp of children. In addition, lichen is a contagious, bacterial skin inflammation, which is often spread in kindergartens and schools.

Triggers are usually streptococci or staphylococci. They occur in scratched insect bites. They are transmitted via a smear infection.

It can appear on the scalp, face, arms and legs. After the child is infected, the pustules filled with water or pus appear. After bursting, a yellow scab forms. Since in this case the pus pimples are contagious, the child must stay home from kindergarten or school. The plague is treated with antibiotics.

Pimples on the scalp of the baby

In babies, in the context of baby and infant acne, a kind of pus pimple can also develop on the scalp. Baby acne occurs in the first weeks of the baby’s life.It is usually harmless. The reason for this is physiological hormonal and metabolic changes during the “normal” development of the baby.

Baby acne is often associated with a growth spurt. Certain medications taken by the mother while breastfeeding can also trigger baby acne. Baby acne can occur again immediately after birth and then again after the first weeks of life when there is a further hormonal change.

The pus pimples on the scalp and face and sometimes all over the body are a physiological reaction to hormonal changes. About 20% of all newborns are affected by baby acne. Boys are more frequently affected than girls.

The symptoms can be aggravated by overheating. This means that in the case of fever or if the clothing is too warm, the skin changes can become more severe. The principle for skin apples is: less is more.

Only mild, baby-friendly substances should be used. In some cases, pediatricians recommend calendula ointment or olive oil. In addition, a household remedy tip is to dab the pimples with breast milk.

Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze the pimples. Furthermore, no antibiotic or cortisone ointments should be used on the baby. Baby skin absorbs ointments in a different way than adult skin.

This means that ointments containing antibiotics or cortisone not only have a local effect, but can be spread throughout the body. This can lead to unforeseeable serious side effects and complications. However, if you follow all the rules, baby acne heals without any problems.

An infant acne develops due to a genetic predisposition. It develops between the 3rd and 6th month of life. Infant acne has a similar appearance to baby acne.

But unlike the baby acne, it requires treatment. It is believed that infant acne is related to the development of acne in puberty. Usually the infant acne lasts longer than the baby acne.

It must be treated by a doctor in any case. If it is not treated adequately, scars can develop. With infant acne, the baby often suffers from itching, whereas with baby acne this does not occur.

Completely independent of the baby or infant acne, intolerances or allergies can also lead to scalp changes in the baby. Since babies do not yet have a fully developed immune system, they are more susceptible to infections, which can also contribute to the development of pus pimples on the scalp. Babies are not yet able to verbally express their itching and discomfort, and are therefore usually noticed by frequent crying and general restlessness.