How to Recognize and Properly Treat Gingivitis

If you suffer from reddened gums that hurt or appear swollen, gum inflammation is often behind it. Bleeding gums or a sensitive reaction to touch also indicate that the gums are inflamed. In this case, it is very important to recognize the gum inflammation as such in time and to treat it – otherwise, if it occurs chronically, it can lead to periodontitis, i.e. inflammation of the entire periodontium and gum recession, over time. How to correctly interpret the symptoms and treat the inflammation, you will learn below.

What is gingivitis?

By definition, gingivitis – also known medically as gingivitis – is the bacterial infection of the gums. The inflammation, unlike periodontitis, can be cured and occurs occasionally in most people. It is widespread and often only mild symptoms appear, so many sufferers are not even aware of gingivitis. Basically, gingivitis only affects the gums, while periodontitis inflames the entire tooth bed and causes gum recession that cannot be reversed. For those affected, the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis is often not apparent. However, since gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, timely clarification is all the more important.

Gingivitis often goes undetected

Gingivitis becomes noticeable in a variety of ways: Swollen and pressured gums are usually a sure sign of the infection – but often it is accompanied only by slight bleeding gums or barely noticeable redness. However, it is important to pay attention to exactly these symptoms and react in time. Otherwise, inflamed gums can soon become the cause of periodontitis. Recognize oral diseases – these pictures help!

How to recognize gingivitis?

In order for timely treatment to occur, it is of the highest priority to recognize gingivitis in time. Healthy gums appear slightly pink and bleed at the most when brushing is too rough. It completely surrounds the tooth towards the interdental space. In contrast, inflamed gums are noticeable by the following symptoms:

  • Swollen areas
  • Intense redness
  • Pain or feeling of pressure in the affected areas
  • Light touches lead to bleeding gums

These symptoms usually indicate that the gum infection is still quite fresh and not too advanced. If you recognize the infection at this stage, the symptoms can usually be well managed with simple means and a little patience.

Symptoms in the advanced stage

However, if the redness, swelling or pain in the gums is not recognized as gingivitis during daily oral hygiene, the infection can not only spread further, but become a chronic inflammation. Advanced gingivitis may be accompanied by these features:

  • Bad breath
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • In the more pronounced stage receded gums

Important: If you can determine the symptoms of advanced gingivitis, it is strongly recommended to visit the dentist. In the case of chronic infection, professional treatment is of great importance, so that periodontitis does not occur. So, if in doubt, be sure to make an appointment with the dentist you trust.

What to do in case of gingivitis?

Because gingivitis is a bacterial infection, thorough and regular oral hygiene is crucial for successful treatment. As a first step, you should replace your toothbrush with a new or unused one that also has bristles that are as soft as possible. This way, despite better hygiene, the gums will be spared to avoid bleeding. After thorough brushing, interdental brushes and dental floss can also be used as helpful means against gingivitis, which – used in combination – reach all interdental spaces and also the areas behind the last molar and wisdom tooth better than most toothbrushes.Thorough and regular removal of plaque is the first priority to successfully treat gingivitis. To kill bacteria in the mouth that are responsible for the infection, you can use a gentle mouth rinse. This should have an antibacterial effect, but preferably without alcohol. Unless otherwise specified on the part of the manufacturer, the application of the mouthwash can be done in the morning and evening after oral hygiene.

The visit to the dentist is essential

Despite the mentioned remedies for gingivitis and thorough oral hygiene, one should not fail to visit the dentist with the bacterial infection. This can in worse cases not only prescribe necessary antibiotics and medications, but also ensure that the oral cavity no longer provides a breeding ground for bacteria. This is done, for example, by:

  • The removal of tartar
  • The professional cleaning of the teeth, during which all plaque is removed and also the gum pockets – where plaque and bacteria like to collect – receive a thorough cleaning
  • The caries prophylaxis
  • The recommendation of further measures

Who is prone to frequent gingivitis, should take the professional teeth cleaning at the dentist twice a year preventive. The costs for this are to be borne depending on the health insurance (sometimes once a year free of charge), but this is an effective measure to prevent gingivitis and thus in the long term also periodontitis.

What medication for gingivitis?

Which antibiotic is suitable for severe gingivitis, only the attending physician can decide. However, antibiotics are only used to combat gingivitis if the infection has not cleared up on its own after several days. Alternatively, an antibiotic ointment from the pharmacy can help soothe the inflamed area by fighting pathogens. Treatment is often initially with antiseptic mouth rinses. These often contain the active ingredients chlorhexidine (for example, in Chlorhexamed), hexetidine (for example, in Hexoral) or povidoneiodine (as in Betaisadona oral antiseptic). If chlorhexidine is to be used for longer than ten days, low-concentration agents should be used, otherwise side effects such as changes in taste and tooth discoloration may occur.

How long does gingivitis last?

As a rule, gingivitis lasts from several days to a week. If the inflammation is of longer duration, the visit to the dentist is considered inevitable.

Do home remedies help with gingivitis?

A well-known home remedy for oral complaints of all kinds and especially for gum inflammation is chamomile tea. However, this should not be drunk, but at best gargled properly. Chamomile is a very successful remedy for gingivitis, as it easily disinfects and can even relieve pain. Another natural remedy is apple cider vinegar, which can be diluted with a little water and used as a homemade mouthwash for rinsing.

Alternative treatment: what really helps?

What do you do for gingivitis? For many people, medications and thorough oral hygiene are not the only answer to this question. After all, homeopathic remedies and other natural remedies are also said to help against inflammation in the mouth. Mostly these are essential oils, globules, herbs and the like. Remedies such as cloves and globules are said to help fight inflammation of the gums naturally while relieving pain in the mouth. Various herbal ingredients are said to stimulate severely damaged gums in their healing process and thus also provide an effective remedy for the inflammation. Under no circumstances, however, should these remedies replace the necessary oral hygiene. In particular in severe or advanced cases, dental treatment – if necessary with medication – is also urgently advisable.

What helps against gingivitis in children?

Especially in children, oral hygiene can easily be forgotten in everyday life, which can then lead to the occurrence of gingivitis. Here you do not have to immediately resort to drugs such as Chlorhexamed, but should first try it with a consistent, thorough cleaning of the teeth. Not only the teeth themselves must be brushed well, but dental floss should also be used for the child.Important: In children, contrary to popular belief, good oral hygiene should be observed from the very first tooth. In the morning and evening, the teeth should be brushed thoroughly for three minutes by the child or parents, and a pea-sized portion of fluoride toothpaste should be used to strengthen the tooth enamel. If you pay attention to thorough cleaning right from the start and provide timely help in the event of inflammation, nothing will stand in the way of your child’s optimal oral health later in life.

Possible causes of gingivitis

Gingivitis can be caused by several factors. However, most often the causes have a bacterial origin that triggers the infection:

  • Inadequate oral hygiene, which causes plaque to accumulate and provides a good place for bacteria and pathogens to live and multiply.
  • Injuries to the gums also make it easy for bacteria to cause infection – wounds, in fact, provide ideal nesting sites
  • Hormonal changes due to medication, pregnancy or as a result of stress can cause physical changes also on the gums, so that this becomes more susceptible to infection

Gum infections during pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy not only change the female body, but also the oral cavity – even if this occurs in only about one-tenth of all pregnant women. The hormonal changes can be responsible for more acidic saliva as well as its increased production, which not only promotes tooth decay, but also bacterial infections such as gingivitis. In addition, because the blood supply to the gums increases during pregnancy, gum bleeding is more common in pregnant women. Gingivitis can also be recognized during pregnancy by the symptoms already mentioned – which is why it is important to have regular check-ups at the dentist during this time as well, so that infections can be treated in good time. As a preventive measure, you can use a mild mouthwash and softer toothbrush during pregnancy.