Inflammation in the Mouth: Causes, Treatment & Help

Inflammation in the mouth is very annoying and affects the general condition of a person. Anyone can be affected by them at times. However, they are especially common in the elderly and young children.

What is inflammation in the mouth?

Inflammation in the mouth can affect the lining of the mouth (stomatitis), the gums (gingivitis), or the periodontium (periodontitis). Inflammation in the mouth can affect the oral mucosa (stomatitis), the gums (gingivitis) or the periodontium (periodontitis). It does not represent a single disease. Sometimes these complaints are accompanying symptoms of other underlying diseases. In some cases, however, they represent the main disease. The symptoms range from extensive inflammation to narrowly confined inflammation foci (aphthae). The symptoms are often associated with severe to sometimes unbearable pain. Depending on the cause and effects, they can be harmless, but in individual cases they can also be very serious health disorders. Especially in the elderly and infants, inflammation in the mouth can be the result of a weakened immune system and often requires a thorough medical diagnosis and therapy here.


The causes of inflammation in the mouth are varied. Often they are infections with bacteria, viruses or fungi in the mouth, which are caused by a weakening of the immune system. Very often, bacteria of the genus streptococcus produce extensive inflammation of the oral mucosa, gums or periodontium. As a rule, they multiply on the basis of food debris between the teeth or on the tongue. Poor oral and dental hygiene or people with dentures can therefore often lead to the unpleasant inflammations in the mouth. A weakened immune system can furthermore form the basis for fungal diseases (thrush) or viral infections caused by herpes viruses (oral thrush) in the oral cavity. Vitamin deficiencies of vitamins A, B and C, iron deficiency, alcohol abuse or too much smoking also sometimes lead to infections in the mouth. Injuries and burns in the mouth area are also common causes. Sometimes, drug treatment during cancer follow-up (chemotherapy) or therapy of rheumatism with gold compounds can also lead to these complaints. However, in some cases, such as the development of aphthae, the causes of inflammation in the mouth remain unknown.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Oral mucosa inflammation
  • Periodontitis
  • Oral cancer
  • Gum inflammation
  • Aphtae
  • Mouth rot
  • Tooth root inflammation
  • Thrush
  • Tongue cancer

Diagnosis and course

Inflammation in the mouth is a relatively common phenomenon and often heals quickly. However, in the case of chronic and persistent symptoms, a doctor should always be consulted to clarify the cause. First, the doctor will look at the current appearance of the symptoms and thereby clarify which areas of the mouth and throat are affected by the inflammation. If the clinical picture is unclear and the stomatitis occurs repeatedly, another disease may be the underlying cause. Therefore, in this case, the doctor will take the medical history. Here it is important for him to clarify which other diseases are present and whether there are indications of similar complaints in the family. In this context, it is also important for the doctor to determine which medications the patient is taking, whether any allergic reactions are known and what his diet looks like. By means of a swab of the oral mucosa, he will then still determine which pathogen can be considered as the cause of the inflammation in the mouth.


Inflammation in the mouth causes a number of complications, depending on the cause. Inflammation, as seen in gum or tooth disease, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and joint disorders. Specifically, periodontitis can lead to arteriosclerosis, rheumatism and similar sequelae. Pregnant women who have inflammation in the oral cavity are much more likely to suffer premature births. In addition, inflammation in the mouth inevitably leads to further inflammation in the oral and pharyngeal cavities and associated damage to the periodontium, the respiratory tract and the organs in the oral cavity, among other things.Oral inflammation often weakens the immune system and can be a risk factor for feelings of weakness, fatigue or even circulatory collapse, especially in older people and young children. In addition, it is assumed that inflammations that persist over a longer period of time wash bacteria into the blood and can thus cause a variety of other diseases. If it is an inflammation of the teeth, bone loss, tooth loss and a recession of the gums come along. Inflammation of the tongue leads to pain and numbness in the mouth, dry mouth and sore throat. In addition, most inflammations of the mouth cause severe thirst, and the sense of taste may be numb, making it difficult to eat due to tongue swelling or hairy tongue. Symptoms and complications can vary widely due to the multiform causes, which is why inflammation in the mouth must always be clarified by a doctor.

When should you see a doctor?

Inflammations in the mouth are mainly noticeable by painful swelling and redness. The white or yellowish deposits and vesicles that occasionally appear on the oral mucosa, as well as ulcers, including occasional bleeding, often prompt those suffering from them to see a doctor for treatment on their own. This is good, because conventional home remedies such as teas to drink or gargle are no longer sufficient in this case. Consultation of a doctor in case of inflammation in the mouth should also be seen as a preventive measure. Depending on the location and character of the inflammation in the mouth, the general practitioner or dentist in particular should be consulted, and in the case of children and infants also a pediatrician. In the case of inflammation in the mouth in the gum area, teeth can loosen or even fall out without treatment. The dentist’s treatment can also address the problem of bad breath and impaired taste often associated with inflammation in the mouth. Patients with inflammation in the mouth may also develop a fever. Elderly patients, as well as young children and babies, may refuse to eat because of inflammation in the mouth. This may result in a dangerous imbalance of fluids. These are valid reasons not to hesitate long in calling a doctor in case of inflammation in the mouth.

Treatment and therapy

Inflammation in the mouth is very unpleasant and painful. However, it can be self-treated with antiseptic agents, such as chlorhexidine, benzydamine, hexamidine or cetylpyridinium chloride, respectively, or herbal agents from chamomile, myrrh or sage, if the bacterial infection is harmless. For pain relief, agents such as lidocaine or benzocaine, which are used for local anesthesia, can be used. In parallel, intensive dental and oral hygiene is necessary to eliminate the source of the bacteria. However, if the infection is intense, prolonged and very persistent, it is essential to consult the doctor. In the case of bacterial infections, he will order therapy with antibiotics. Herpes infections are treated with antivirals containing the active ingredient aciclovir. Fungal infections with Candida albicans, for example, are treated with the antifungal agents nystatin or miconazole. The causes of painful aphthae in the mouth are not known. They heal on their own, but often cause unbearable pain. In this case, the pain must be relieved by applying gels containing lidocaine. If the inflammation in the mouth is an accompanying symptom of another underlying condition, the focus is on its treatment.

Outlook and prognosis

Inflammation in the mouth is usually a very painful thing, because it significantly restricts food intake. Whoever suffers from such an inflammation in the mouth should pay attention to a possible formation of pus, because if this forms, it is a sign of a significant aggravation of the inflammation. To stop the formation of pus, one can resort to taking antibiotics. The medication will inhibit further pus formation and the inflammation should subside. However, antibiotics must be tailored to the appropriate type of bacteria and are therefore issued by a physician. If the corresponding inflammation severely hinders swallowing, there is even a risk of malnutrition. Saliva production is stopped in such a case, so that extreme dryness in the oral cavity can occur.Said symptoms can be treated by disinfecting mouthwashes. Anyone who cleans the affected areas regularly should see a considerable improvement after just two to three days. If pus nevertheless continues to form, the use of antibiotics is strongly recommended.


An inflammation in the mouth can be prevented very well by intensive dental and oral hygiene. Care should be taken to remove all food debris from interdental spaces and poorly accessible areas. After brushing, the mouth should be rinsed with mouthwash. This also prevents tooth decay and unpleasant bad breath. Furthermore, to prevent inflammation in the mouth, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system through a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a balanced diet.

What you can do yourself

Inflammation in the mouth is always a very unpleasant thing. As a rule, discomfort occurs when chewing and swallowing, so that food intake is significantly limited. To alleviate these symptoms, a great deal of attention should be paid to oral hygiene. A disinfecting mouth rinse is a great help in this regard. A mouthwash can clean the inflammation in the mouth and rid it of dangerous bacteria. Hard foods such as chips, nuts or similar should be completely avoided to prevent further injury or sources of inflammation in the mouth. If the inflammation in the mouth is already discharging pus, a visit to the doctor is unavoidable. Pus is always a sign of worsening of the respective infection. In consultation with a doctor, it is advisable to take antibiotics in such a situation. Antibiotics provide relief of the inflammation and prevent further infections. Otherwise, there is a risk of blood poisoning if the inflammation in the mouth does not improve. Drinking chamomile tea can also help to contain the inflammation, as long as it is not in an acute state that requires consultation with a doctor. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory natural product that has healing and soothing effects.