Interpret Body Signals Correctly

If something is wrong with our health, our body often sends warning signals. For example, stomach complaints or headaches can stem from stress or a major psychological strain. But external signs such as pale skin, tongue coating or discolored fingernails can also be indications of illness or deficiency symptoms. We explain how to correctly interpret these warning signals of your body.

1. torn corners of the mouth as a warning signal.

Torn corners of the mouth (rhagades) are manifested by small inflammations on the mouth, which often hurt when speaking and burn with every touch. The cause of these fissures can be dry lips and the associated habit of constantly licking the lips with the tongue, which makes the skin dry out and tear all the more. Viruses, bacteria or fungi, for example herpes simplex or streptococci, are also possible causes of inflamed corners of the mouth. In addition, iron deficiency or a lack of vitamin B2 can also cause the symptoms. If the symptoms recur, a doctor should clarify the cause. Diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis or allergies can also be the cause of the symptoms. By the way, honey is suitable as a home remedy for torn corners of the mouth, because it makes the lips supple and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

2. tongue coating as an indication of disease.

If our tongue is healthy, it is pale pink and usually shows a thin whitish tongue coating, which comes from food residues and harmless germs. However, with a heavy coating of the tongue, the body can express the presence of a disease. Among other things, depending on the color of the tongue coating, the following triggers may be present:

In addition to the color of the tongue coating, the tongue can also provide other clues to the state of health. For example, a dry or swollen tongue can also indicate various diseases. Tongue diagnosis: This means spots, coatings and Co.

3. dark circles under the eyes and swollen eyelids.

Eye circles and thick eyelids we often associate with lack of sleep or excessive consumption of alcohol. In fact, however, an unhealthy lifestyle does not always have to be behind the phenomena. On the one hand, dark circles under the eyes are not uncommon, especially in fair-skinned people, but on the other hand they can also be a sign of nutrient deficiency (iron or zinc) or an undersupply of oxygen to the blood as well as liver, kidney and metabolic diseases. Eye swellings can also indicate a serious disease: In particular, swelling of the lower eyelids is considered an indication of allergies, but also of high blood pressure, the onset of shingles, heart failure or kidney disease.

4. pallor can have many causes

Every person has his or her own skin color. But a sudden change in this color can be an indication that something is wrong with the body. For example, pale skin represents a well-known sign of physical discomfort. A sallow complexion may not only be an indication of too little sun. Temporary pallor can indicate circulatory problems, infections or hypoglycemia (for example, in diabetes). However, if the pallor lasts longer and is also accompanied by pale mucous membranes, this is a warning signal of more serious problems. Possible causes of pale skin are:

  • Anemia, for example, as a result of a deficiency of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12, or due to kidney weakness.
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism)
  • Unnoticed bleeding in the body, such as from a stomach ulcer.
  • In heavy smokers: so-called “smoker’s skin” as a result of oxygen deficiency.

5. yellowish skin and yellow eyes

If you notice when you look in the mirror that the skin, as well as the otherwise white part of the eyes are yellowish discolored, you should see a doctor. This is because yellowish skin, especially when combined with yellow eyes, can be an indication of jaundice.The discoloration occurs when the concentration of bilirubin (a breakdown product of red blood cells) is elevated in the body. Possible causes of these symptoms include:

6. thin hair and hair loss

Dull, brittle hair and hair loss can occur as a result of constant stress or simply hereditary. Other possible reasons for the complaints are:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hormonal causes (for example, menopause or pregnancy).
  • Nutrient deficiency (zinc, iron, biotin, copper or protein).
  • Metabolic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).
  • Poisoning and severe infections
  • Side effect of medication
  • Autoimmune reaction of the body (in circular hair loss).

In many of these cases, hair loss can be managed once you know the exact causes.

7. color of the fingernails

If the fingernails are discolored, this can have very different causes. For example, white spots can also be the harmless consequence of an injury to the nail root (for example, by a slightly too rough manicure) and grow out on their own. On the other hand, white stripes (so-called mees stripes) may be the result of poisoning or febrile illness. If the entire nail is discolored, the following causes are possible, among others:

  • Contact with chemicals such as cleaning agents or nail polish.
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Side effect of medication
  • Diseases of the skin, metabolism, heart or kidneys.
  • Poisonings

In addition, the color of the discoloration allows conclusions to be drawn about its cause. For example, the following colors can have the above causes:

  • Black: bruising as a result of a bruise.
  • Brownish or blue-black spots: Moles, but also skin cancer
  • Yellowish: jaundice or liver problems
  • Greenish: infestation with bacteria or mold
  • Whitish and cloudy (milk glass nails): liver cirrhosis or inflammatory bowel disease.

8. shape of the fingernails

If the fingernails show grooves, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. This is because fine longitudinal grooves are usually harmless. They can be a sign of aging or a sign of dehydration. In the case of thick, isolated longitudinal grooves, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because these grooves can be signs of a nail tumor. Transverse grooves, also known as beau lines or beau reil grooves, are often the result of a serious illness, for example an acute infection. If the fingernails arch upwards (clock glass nails), this can indicate anemia and diseases of the liver and lungs. Inwardly curved nails (spoon nails) are considered a sign of gastrointestinal diseases. Brittle fingernails can be caused by a deficiency of calcium and magnesium, as well as various trace elements. Similarly, flaking fingernails are a signal from the body of a lack of minerals or trace elements.